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A Date for Peter

‘A Date for Peter’

Season 9, Episode 9 - Aired January 3, 2005

Debra and Ray try to find Peter (Chris Elliott) a date.

Quote from Frank

Frank: Hey, Peter, you're all cleaned up. What did you do, join a cult?
Ray: Wow, Dad, that's rude. Don't you got anything to say to Peggy?
Frank: Hey, the cookie lady. A little makeup. Good for you.
Ray: Oh, boy. Dad, that is extremely inappropriate. I wouldn't blame Peggy is she just stormed out the door right now.
Debra: Ray.
Peggy: What is with him?
Frank: What's your problem, stupid?


Quote from Robert

Robert: What were you thinking, inviting her here?
Amy: Well, I thought Peter might like her.
Robert: Of course he'll like her. Look at her! Not that I'm looking. [downs a shot]

Quote from Peter

Pat: Everything's great, yeah. We're just getting to know everybody and let me introduce you. Peter, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine Stefania. Yeah, she's from Italy, which, incidentally, is the land of amore.
Stefania: Hello.
Peter: Hi. I'm Peter. It's a pleasure to meet you. [to Peggy] So, what other sci-fi writers are you into?
Peggy: Well, Bradbury, of course.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Peter, I forbid you to see this woman.
Peter: Ray, what is your problem? We're just having fun.
Ray: No, no, she's not fun. She's mean, and I forbid you to marry a mean lady.
Peter: Wait. Marry?
Debra: Ray, would you stop it?
Ray: No, I will not stop it, Debra. And by the way, this is my house, and my nose can go wherever it wants...
Peggy: Okay. You know what? Fine. I'm just gonna go.
Marie: You see, Debra? This is what happens when you let people get hungry.
Debra: Peggy, please, wait.
Ray: No, no, let her go. Godspeed, Peggy.

Quote from Ray

Debra: What is wrong with you?
Ray: Oh, don't give me that. I just saved this man's life.
Debra: No, you didn't. Peggy was perfect for him.
Ray: No, she was perfect for you.
Debra: She was perfect for everyone.
Ray: You see, Peter, this is why you don't get married.
Peter: I guess you're right, Ray. I guess I should probably just live the rest of my life alone. Thanks a lot. [exits]

Quote from Ray

Ray: Hey, Peter.
Peter: Hello.
Ray: Listen, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I really screwed up. I have problems with certain women. Like Peggy. And my wife. And my mom. But listen, for whatever it's worth, I'll do whatever it takes to help you meet another woman.
Peggy: I'd rather you didn't.
Ray: Agh! Peggy. Wha-
Peggy: I'm sorry, the store's closed. [closes door]
Peter: Ooh, Princess Leia.

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