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The Night Before

‘The Night Before’

Season 3, Episode 1 - Aired April 12, 2022

Erin and friends decide to break into the school to get a look at their GSCE results the night before they're released after Sister Michael implies they have not done well. Meanwhile, Granda Joe refuses to admit his new cat, Seamus, is a menace to the local pet population.

Quote from Ma Mary

Jim: Cara was gonna take it a walk earlier, but the hutch was open, and there was no sign of him.
Mary: She was gonna take it a walk?
Jim: That's right.
Mary: The rabbit?
Jim: Aye, you're supposed to walk them now.
Mary: Really?
Jim: Really.


Quote from Granda Joe

Jim: So, Seamus about, is he?
Joe: What business have you with Seamus?
Jim: Don't cover for him, Joe.
Joe: I don't know what you mean.
Jim: He's still refusing to wear a bell, I hear.
Joe: What about it?
Jim: People have been talking, Joe. People are concerned. The pigeons, the mice, that's how it starts. Next thing you know, pets are disappearing.
Joe: Seamus didn't touch the rabbit!
Jim: Well, if I find out any differently, Joe... [Mary notices the rabbit's collar on the floor]
Joe: You won't. [Mary kicks the collar away]
Jim: I'm watching you. [bell tinkles] I'm watching all of yous. Come on, Cara, love. [both exit]

Quote from James

Erin: Well, what a great but ultimately uneventful evening.
Orla: The robbery was my favourite part.
Mary: What?!
James: Oh, sub-plot in Braveheart!

Quote from Granda Joe

Joe: [cat meows] Ah, don't look at me like that, you. I had no choice. [bell clatters]

Quote from Clare

Clare: Christ, this could not get any worse!
Jenny & Aisling: Straight A's! Straight A's!
Clare: I stand corrected!

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