‘Severe Crane Damage’
Season 8, Episode 18 - Aired February 15, 1990
When Lilith goes on local TV to promote her new book, "Good Girls, Bad Boys", Frasier takes Sam along to the taping where they become examples of her theory.
Quote from Frasier
Brenda Balzak: Frasier, how would a date with you go?
Lilith: Brenda, I find this line of inquiry sensationalistic and not at all pertinent to my thesis.
Frasier: Oh, no, that's all right, dear. I think I'd like to answer the question. Well, a date with me would, I'd say, be jolly good fun. [silence] Ironically, actually, I might add, that I used to date, actually, an old girlfriend of Sam's.
Brenda Balzak: So she preferred you to Sam.
Frasier: Oh, yes. Well, uh... That is, until she broke up with me and got engaged... To Sam. You know, I'd like to add in my defense, the woman was nuts.
Quote from Lilith
Brenda Balzak: Ladies, look, let's keep this a civilized discussion. If you have points to make, we'll take them in an orderly fashion. [a woman raises her hand] Yes.
Woman: I have a question of a more serious nature.
Lilith: Oh, good.
Woman: What does Sam look like with his shirt off?
Women: [chant] Shirt! Shirt! Shirt! Shirt! Shirt!
Brenda Balzak: Ladies, please. Let's get hold of ourselves.
Lilith: Now, this is the perfect example of what a bad boy like Sam can do to a room full of good girls like these fine women. One can't help but be attracted to his steely glance and the strength therein, to imagine the warmth of his skin pressed against ours, his arms pinning us down so we can't move. One sees his full lips and imagines what they must feel like slightly moist... Tugging at ours. Before long, one's feeling a little dizzy, and, oh, for God's sake, Sam, let the buttons fly. [lunges at Sam]
Quote from Frasier
Frasier: Excuse me, Rebecca, may I have your honest opinion about something you know, as a woman who has fatally bad taste in men? Do you think I'm a... good boy?
Rebecca: Frasier, you have to stop doing this to yourself. Why do you feel inferior to Sam just because you're good? You know, I agree with that talk-show host. Give me a comfortable pair of old ratty house slippers any day.
Frasier: So that's how it is. Now I'm a pair of ratty old house slippers. At least this afternoon, I was an old shoe. You could at least wear me outside, maybe do a little gardening.
Rebecca: Frasier, I did not mean to imply...
Frasier: You think I can't be dangerous? Is that it? You all think I'm just an old slipper? Well, am I a good boy? Would a good boy do this? I am running with scissors. I'm going swimming right after lunch. I'm leaving now. I'm going outside. I'm going to pet strange dogs, no matter where they've been. Look out, world, Frasier Crane's going to raise some hell.
Quote from Lilith
Carla: You just had a baby. When did you have time to write a book?
Lilith: Well, actually, I've been hacking away at it for years, but I was finally able to polish it off during my 15 months of pregnancy.
Frasier: Oh, yes. Took years of painstaking, high-level research. It's called "Good Girls, Bad Boys." Isn't that cute?
Lilith: That was my editor's idea. I wanted to call it "A cross-sectional study of control-group females with a tendency towards self-destruction, vis-a-vis damaging relationships with members of the opposite sex."
Woody: Oh, brother, not another one of those.
Lilith: Oh, yes, but, you see, my particular slant is that many women are drawn to men who are bad for them, those who represent danger. Then, once they outgrow that need, they're free to make the mature choice and live out their lives with upstanding, substantial men. Not unlike my Frasier-doodle.
Quote from Frasier
Woody: Hey, good show, Dr. Crane.
Norm: Yeah, except for they cut to a commercial right before it started getting good, you know. Right when your wife was about to pants Sammy with her teeth.
Frasier: I just couldn't believe that that group got so excited. It was such idiotic behavior and all because of Lilith's stupid book.
Norm: Wait a minute. I thought you liked Lilith's book.
Frasier: Oh, I did till I reread it with a scientific eye and the impartiality of a fellow empiricist, and I decided it's pure crap.
Woody: Where's Dr. Sternin-Crane now?
Frasier: Oh, probably at home... Working on pure crap, volume two.
Quote from Frasier
Woody: What are you doing, Dr. Crane?
Frasier: Just compiling some notes for a book of my own.
Norm: Oh, now, you're not jealous of Lilith here, are you?
Frasier: Norm, please. Give me some credit. I mean, I've been planning to do this for years.
Norm: "'Nice psychiatrists who marry castrating, shrew, battle-ax, harridan fishwives."
Woody: So what's it about?
Quote from Frasier
Frasier: You know, besides, I've already missed one appointment with Lilith to make love. I'll be lucky if I get another one.
Ellen: Who's Lilith?
Frasier: My wife.
Ellen: Somebody married you?
Frasier: Well, not somebody. A woman whom I respect and love. A woman with the intelligence to realize that the measure of a man is not how many studs you've got on your leather jacket or how many women you've been bad to. The measure of a man is how much love and comfort you've given.
Ellen: You're getting dull on me, Slash.
Frasier: Now, listen, Viper, if caring for the one you love, if caring for your children, if paying attention to your career and home, if these things be dull, then may I be the dullest man who ever lived.
Lilith: You are, Frasier. You are. [they hug]
Quote from Lilith
Brenda Balzak: Now, then, are we really attracted to men who are bad for us? Dr. Lilith Sternin-Crane's new book, "Good Girls, Bad Boys," will tell us. Ladies, let's pour a cup of tea for Dr. Lilith Sternin-Crane. Dr. Sternin-Crane, welcome to the show.
Lilith: Thank you.
Brenda Balzak: Now, Dr. Sternin-Crane, what is it with these bad boys? I mean, why are we women such pushovers for them?
Lilith: Well, before addressing motivation, I'd like to lay a basis for discussion by explaining my data-gathering techniques and statistical overview of my control-group females.
Brenda Balzak: Well, we don't want to give away all the surprises.
Quote from Lilith
Lilith: Has anyone seen Frasier? He canceled an 8:30 appointment.
Norm: Wow, he sees patients at night.
Lilith: No. We were going to make love to celebrate my new book.
Quote from Frasier
Frasier: All right now, everyone. Pay attention. I have a little announcement to make, and I only have a minute.
Norm: Are you in a hurry?
Frasier: No. I was referring to your relatively short attention spans.