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Season 8, Episode 22 - Aired March 29, 1990

Woody's girlfriend, Kelly, is going away to study in Europe. Meanwhile, Norm finally winds up being the designated driver at Cheers.

Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Woody: Nice cold beer coming up, Mr. Peterson.
Norm: You mean "nice cold beer going down Mr. Peterson."


Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Evening, everybody.
All: Norm!
Sam: What do you know there, Norm?
Norm: How to sit, how to drink. Want to quiz me?

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Wow. Kelly going to study in Europe. It'll be tough on you, Woody, but, boy, what an opportunity for her.
Woody: Yeah. You're right, Miss Howe.
Rebecca: Yeah, and if I know her father, she's not gonna have to do it like I did... Backpacking, hanging out in seedy youth hostels, hitching rides with sleazy locals who use their inability to speak English as an excuse to give you directions on your sweater. That sweet, little Kelly girl will get everything handed to her on a silver platter. I hope she chokes on Europe.

Quote from Rebecca

Woody: I just can't think straight, Sam. I've really blown it with Kelly. Now she's gonna go off and marry one of those worldly European guys for sure.
Rebecca: Woody, nothing like that's going to happen.
Woody: Really, Miss Howe?
Rebecca: No, Woody. Those wealthy European royals aren't good enough for Princess Button Nose and her daddy.
Carla: So, Becks, what's this thing you have against rich people? You're dating a rich guy, and you want to be rich yourself, right?
Rebecca: Yes. And when I'm rich, I will stop hating rich people. And start hating poor people. That's the American way. [high-fives Carla]

Quote from Kelly

Kelly: Well, if that's what you want, Woody, then I'll go to Europe, but how will I know you'll still be here for me when I get back?
Woody: Well, how about this? We could get secretly engaged.
Kelly: Oh, yes, Woody. That's a wonderful idea. It'll be our special secret. I'll be in Europe, and you'll be here. We'll have an unspoken bond across the ocean.
Woody: Oh, that sounds swell. So you won't date any other guys while you're in Europe?
Kelly: Well, Woody, if I don't date any other guys, then people might suspect that I'm secretly engaged.
Woody: Yeah, that's right. So I'll have to do the same thing back here in the States, except, of course, I'll date women.
Kelly: Right, Woody.
Woody: Yeah. Now, wait a minute. You're not already secretly engaged to someone else, are you?
Kelly: No. But even if I were, I couldn't tell you because it would be a secret.
Woody: Boy, I can trust you.

Quote from Sam

Woody: Sam, you're just the guy I've been looking for.
Sam: Why is that, Woody?
Woody: Because you weren't here. Hey. Check this out, Sam. It's a promise ring for Kelly. By giving her this ring, I'm making a deep and solemn promise that someday I'm gonna give her an engagement ring.
Sam: That's beautiful, man. That's beautiful. I've given a lot of those to women. Of course, in my case, it was a deep and solemn promise that their backs will arch.

Quote from Woody

Frasier: Woody, you can't believe that your beloved Kelly would actually forget you.
Woody: Well, I love Kelly and all, Dr. Crane, but you got to admit she's no rocket scientist.

Quote from Norm

Carla: All right. Thanks to your good buddy Norm Peterson the first drawing is null and void. OK, everybody. Once again, names in the hat. Come on. I'm watching you, Peterson.
Norm: Don't watch me, Carla.
Carla: What, you think I like it? All right. And the lucky loser is... Norm Peterson.
Cliff: Well, well, well.
Norm: Great, great. First time I enter this damn thing. You couldn't pick... "Norm Peterson" or... "Norm Peterson" or... or... Well, "Frasier Crane." At least one person here is honest.
Frasier: I beg your pardon. I wrote "Norm Peterson."
Norm: I guess you're right. I wrote that.

Quote from Woody

Sam: Woody, Woody, come on. Stop here, kid. Think a little bit.
Woody: No, no, Sam, that's all I've done my whole life is think, think, think. There comes a time when you got to stop thinking. You taught me that, Sam.
Sam: I just want you to be sure, man, that's all.
Woody: Sam, I am sure. I love Kelly. I'm willing to risk everything to make her Mrs. Woodrow Tiberius Boyd.
Carla: Tiberius? You never told us that was your middle name.
Woody: Yeah. Right. I never told Kelly, either. Maybe I'd better just forget this whole thing.
Sam: No, come on.
Woody: No, wait a minute. I have accepted the fact that her middle name is Susan. I'm going to go for it.

Quote from Woody

Kelly: Woody Boyd, what an awful thing to say.
Woody: I'm sorry, Kelly. I take it back.
Kelly: Well, you can take this back, too.
Woody: I can't take this back. I don't even have a receipt.
Kelly: Well, then I guess you'll just have to find the person who has it and give it back to them so they can return it and get credit.
Woody: What's that supposed to mean?
Kelly: You know what it means.
Woody: No, really. What does it mean?
Kelly: Stop it, Woody. You can't make up now.
Woody: No, really. Can anybody tell me what it means?

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