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Quote from Woody in Loverboyd

Sam: Woody, Woody, come on. Stop here, kid. Think a little bit.
Woody: No, no, Sam, that's all I've done my whole life is think, think, think. There comes a time when you got to stop thinking. You taught me that, Sam.
Sam: I just want you to be sure, man, that's all.
Woody: Sam, I am sure. I love Kelly. I'm willing to risk everything to make her Mrs. Woodrow Tiberius Boyd.
Carla: Tiberius? You never told us that was your middle name.
Woody: Yeah. Right. I never told Kelly, either. Maybe I'd better just forget this whole thing.
Sam: No, come on.
Woody: No, wait a minute. I have accepted the fact that her middle name is Susan. I'm going to go for it.

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