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Give Me a Ring Sometime

‘Give Me a Ring Sometime’

Season 1, Episode 1 - Aired September 30, 1982

Diane Chambers finds herself waiting at Cheers as her fiance, Sumner, goes to retrieve a wedding ring from his ex-wife.

Quote from Norm

Carla: I'd like two draughts and a Scotch on the rocks. You know, there's a group over there arguing about the sweatiest movie ever made.
Norm: The what?
Carla: What movie did people sweat most in?
Norm: That's easy. Rocky ll.
Cliff: No, no. Not even close. Body Heat. Sweat city.
Ron: Ben Hur. The boys in that galley sweat like pigs.
Norm: No, no. Alien. That's right. Buckets.
Diane: This the night before my wedding and I'm in the middle of a sweat contest.


Quote from Carla

Carla: Hey, cheer up, cookie. He may have been in an accident.

Quote from Norm

Norm: Sox lost again today, Sam. Sure could have used you coming out of the pen, buddy.
Sam: Not in the shape I'm in, Norm.
Norm: Oh. Yo, miss! [taps beer glass on bar] Wouldn't you love to see Sammy, there, flinging the ol' horsehide again?
Diane: Flinging what?
Norm: Don't you know who this is? He used to be one of the best pitchers in baseball. Samuel "Mayday" Malone.

Quote from Sam

Boy: How about a beer, chief?
Sam: How about an ID?
Boy: [laughs] An ID? That's very flattering! Wait till I tell the missus.
Sam: Ah, military ID. First Sergeant Walter Keller, born 1944. That makes you 38. Must've fought in Vietnam.
Boy: Oh, yeah.
Sam: What was it like?
Boy: It was gross.
Sam: Yeah, that's what they say. War is gross. I'm sorry, soldier.
Boy: This is the thanks we get.

Quote from Diane

Diane: Sumner, this is crazy.
Sumner: Diane, we're about to be married.
Boy: Married! Congratulations! Let's celebrate with a drink.
Sumner: [laughs] I think not.
Boy: I give it six months. [exits]
Sumner: Perhaps we won't have children right away.

Quote from Diane

Sumner: Come on. Let's sit here.
Diane: Sumner, now, we have a plane to catch.
Sumner: Diane, if we're going to be married, I insist you have my grandmother's antique gold wedding ring.
Diane: Didn't you say that ring is still on your ex-wife's finger? I don't need it. You're enough for me.
Sumner: True. But symbols are important. Just let me call Barbara and see if she's home. Ah, the phone's back here. As long as we're here, let's celebrate with some champagne.

Quote from Sam

Diane: Now, listen, I didn't like doing that.
Sam: I'm sorry. If I didn't own this place, I'd fire me on the spot. Tell you what, for lying for me, I'll buy you your first drink.
Diane: Oh, I'd like a bottle of your best champagne.
Sam: It wasn't that great a lie.
Diane: No, no, we'll pay for it.
Sumner: We're on our way to get married.
Sam: Well, hey, then this is on me. Congratulations.

Quote from Diane

Sumner: Good news. Barbara was home. She said I can come over.
Diane: Well, do you want me to go with you?
Sumner: No, it could get a trifle sticky. Besides, if she saw the dazzling beauty who's about to succeed her, it would break her heart again.
Diane: Oh, Sumner, I'm not beautiful.
Sumner: Ah, blasphemy.

Quote from Diane

Sam: So where's the ceremony gonna be?
Diane: Well, we're getting married tomorrow, in Barbados.
Sam: Oh, hey, nice.
Sumner: I'm Dr Sumner Sloane, Professor of World Literature at the U.
Diane: He has an article in the current Harper's.
Sumner: Diane's been my teaching assistant for almost two years. Now, today, I was sitting in my office with Diane. I looked up from my Proust, she had her nose in her Yeats. And I said to myself, "l would be crazy to let this girl get out of my life." So, right there on the spot, I said, "Let's get married."
Diane: What he actually said was, "Come with me and be my love, and we will some new pleasures prove." That's Donne.
Sam: I certainly hope so.
Sumner: No. John Donne, the poet.
Sam: Ah, well, that's lovely.

Quote from Sam

Sam: He's quite a fella, your fiance.
Diane: Listen, uh, you don't have to make conversation with me. Nothing personal, but I'm not in the habit of talking with bartenders.
Sam: I understand. One's trying to move into my neighborhood.

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