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Goose Grease

‘Goose Grease’

Season 1, Episode 18 - Aired April 6, 2022

Dean is hoping to spend some male bonding time with his father and grandfather in the woods, but when he comes down with the chicken pox, the Williams men are forced to quarantine together.

Quote from Dean

Dean: So, has Keisa asked about me?
Cory: [chuckles] Yeah, she has been, actually. She wanted to come over and visit you, but her parents think chicken pox come from the devil.
Dean: They said the same thing about wearing glasses.


Quote from Cory

Dean: I've been trying to bond with my dad and granddad like Bruce did, but every time we get close to it, something gets in the way.
Cory: Hey, man, what if you gave me a hug?
Dean: Then you'll get chicken pox.
Cory: I know! Look, I got a social studies test on Friday, and I have not studied for it. Plus, if I time it right, I could probably get out of church, too. [goes to open screen door]
Coach Long: Cory Long, don't you take one more step. Boy, have you lost your mind? Look, now, you know your mama gonna blame me if you get sick. I'm taking you home.

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: This was it. My last chance to connect with the men of my family, and I was not gonna let anything ruin it. We broke so many family rules that night. Playing poker, not using coasters, peeing out the back door. Mom would've killed us.

Quote from Bill

Bill: Poker's all about bluffing. Just act like you're Kim lying about why she missed curfew, except better.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Lillian: You know what? Bill hasn't seen a doctor in years. Maybe you should do it, too.
Bill: Uh, sure, I'll... I'll get my blood drawn... from my body.
Dean: You, too, Daddy?
Doctor: Now, who wants to go first?
Granddaddy Clisby: Now, now, now, if it's... If- If it's about me, um, I want a Black doctor, but no offense.
Kim: Please. Offense intended.
Lillian: Mm-hmm.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Granddaddy Clisby: Are you sure you went to medical school? [doctor nods] Well, w-w-was it a women's medical school? [doctor is silent] Were men there at that school?
Adult Dean: This wasn't exactly the bonding experience I'd wanted when we set off on our hunting trip last week, but seeing the sacrifices my family made for me, I felt a new closeness I hadn't anticipated. We were like blood brothers now.
Granddaddy Clisby: Is your husband okay with you being a doctor?
Dr. Harris: [scoffs] What husband? I'll let you know when I meet him.
Granddaddy Clisby: [to Kim] You see? That's what happens when you get an education.

Quote from Dean

Adult Dean: It's not easy being the youngest of three children. The firstborn gets your parents' undivided attention. The second-born gets a little less attention, but they're still getting that shine. And then you get to the third child. You're lucky if you can get them to point that camera in your direction. I'm not even sure that's me. Even though I was the youngest, I was not gonna be denied the cool bonding experiences my brother and sister got to have with our family.
Dean: Dad, I want to go hunting with you and Granddaddy Clisby.
Bill: Now, where'd you come up with a crazy idea like that? [Dean shows his father Bruce's photo album] You know those rabbits aren't asleep, right? [clears throat] I mean, wouldn't a movie be just as fun? I can look up some matinee times right now.
Dean: But when Bruce went hunting, it was all the Williams men together. I just want to do the same things he did. It seems [sighs]... important or something. Plus, I got my new camera ready to capture it all. [camera clicks]
Bill: I'll, uh, think about it.
Kim: You know that's a no, right?
Dean: Fine. If you won't take me, I'll just have to go ask Granddaddy Clisby.
Lillian: Bill Williams, you know there's no way on God's green Earth I'm letting my son go into the woods with a nearsighted old man holding a shotgun.
Dean: So, I guess that's a yes.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Granddaddy Clisby: The boy's complaining about bugs already? We're not even in the woods yet. He needs to toughen up.
Bill: Not bugs, Dad, chicken pox.
Dean: Oh.
Bill: "Oh" what? "Oh" what, Dean?
Dean: A bunch of kids got the chicken pox at my school this week.
Bill: And I'm just hearing about this now? After spending three hours cooped up with you in the car?
Granddaddy Clisby: I want to yell at you, but I got to take another pee break... again.

Quote from Adult Dean

Lillian: Yep. It's definitely chicken pox.
Adult Dean: I'd never seen my mom move that fast. She was avoiding me like the plague. Literally.

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: It was finally happening. All of us Williams men were gonna rough it together. It was gonna be just like rabbit hunting, minus the hunting and the rabbits.

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