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Phyllis' Wedding

‘Phyllis' Wedding’

Season 3, Episode 16 -  Aired February 8, 2007

On the day of Phyllis' wedding, Michael is determined to play a big part in the ceremony. Meanwhile, Pam is upset to be shown her how wedding might have looked.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: I do. I know a fair amount about fine food and drink. [sniffs wine] Mmm... this is a white.


Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: [to camera] The most important part of a speech is the opening line. When time is not a factor, I like to try out three or four different ones.
[cut to:]
Michael Scott: Phyllis and Bob, their celebrity couple name would be Flob. You look at her, and she's kind of matronly today, but back in high school, I swear her nickname was Easy Rider. Now, as for Bob. Bob Vance-
Bob Vance: Okay, that's enough. Thanks.
Michael Scott: -is a guy-
Thanks, Michael. Give me the mike.
Michael Scott: He works- Um. Okay, hold on, hold on. Look I didn't say anything when Phyllis's dad upstaged me at the ceremony. And I think you owe me this, okay?

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Always the bridesmaids, right, ladies?

Quote from Pam

Pam: Phyllis ended up using the exact same invitations as Roy and me. So, it was kind of like being invited to my own wedding. And I was like, "Wait, I thought I called that off?"

Quote from Stanley

Jim: So, what's in the box?
Stanley: A toaster. You?
Karen: A toaster.
Stanley: Unbelievable.

Quote from Angela

Dwight K. Schrute: Hello, Angela.
Angela: Hi, Dwight.
Dwight K. Schrute: You look as beautiful as the Queen of England.
Angela: Thank you. Don't linger. Break left. Left.

Quote from Pam

Jim: Those flowers are nice.
Karen: Yeah. "P and R"?
Jim: Phyllis and Robert?
Karen: Oh, of course.
Pam: Also, Pam and Roy.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: How you doing? Are you excited?
Phyllis: Yes, very.
Michael Scott: Me, too. If you need to vomit, that is okay. I did.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Do you want to talk about tonight?
Phyllis: No. Because I know you're probably worried about pleasing Bob. A lot of pressure.
Michael Scott: Phyllis, did you break wind? It's okay if you did, it's a very natural reaction. It's your wedding, and you're nervous-
Phyllis: That wasn't me.
Michael Scott: Okay. I'm sure that Bob-Wow, that is That is pungent. I lost my train of thought. Oh. Are you set on that hairstyle? I thought it was-
Phyllis: Michael, no-
Michael Scott: Here, let me.
Phyllis: I don't need your help. Thank you, no.
Michael Scott: Just cover up that bald patch.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: This strapping, young lad sitting here is Phyllis' father, Elbert, and he is quite the ladies' man. Aren't you, Elbert? Huh? Ring bearer. I could have done better. I will do better. I am going to be better. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Are you ready for this, Elbert? I am. Let's do it!

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