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Dream Team

‘Dream Team’

Season 5, Episode 22 - Aired April 9, 2009

As Michael and Pam attempt to get the "Michael Scott Paper Company" up and running, Michael tries to assemble his dream team. Meanwhile, the employees at Dunder Mufflin pretend to like soccer to impress their temporary boss, Charles Miner.

Quote from Michael Scott

Vikram: What sort of investing club is this?
Micheal Scott: Vikram, you ask a lot of questions and I like that. Hey, Nana! Hi!
Pam: [mouthing to camera] Nana?
Nana: Michael!
[aside to camera:]
Michael Scott: People turn to their families all the time when they need help starting out and if my Nana's investment club can help the Michael Scott Paper Company become a reality, then I'm sure that's what she would have wanted. Does want.


Quote from Jim

Charles: Jim. What do you play?
Jim: Left.
Charles: Forward or half?
Jim: Forward, definitely.
Charles: Okay, striker, huh?
Jim: Striker!

Quote from Dwight K. Schrute

Charles: Why'd you duck, Jim?
Jim: What?
Dwight K. Schrute: Yeah, Jim. Why would an experienced soccer player like yourself duck at the very last moment?

Quote from Ryan

Ryan: Do you get TNT? The station? Do you get TNT?
Michael Scott: Yeah, I have cable and satellite as a backup.

Quote from Michael Scott

Pam: I could work here. I could see this.
Michael Scott: It's right in the middle of the paper belt.
Pam: Are you good?
Michael Scott: Yeah, I'm good. You good?
Pam: I'm good.

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