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Business Trip

‘Business Trip’

Season 5, Episode 8 - Aired November 13, 2008

Michael, Andy and Oscar travel to Canada to make a sales call. Meanwhile, Jim is counting down the days until Pam returns, and Ryan tries to get back with Kelly.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: [whispering[ Hey, guys. Check it out. My own personal DVD player and 20 movies.
Oscar: [whispering] Andy brought one, too.
Andy: [loudly, wearing headphones] Harry and the Hendersons.
Michael Scott: Keep it down.


Quote from Kelly

Kelly: No, not gonna happen. He has hurt me too much and too often and I am in a healthy relationship now. So, I'm not gonna flaunt it, I'm not gonna hurt him, but that door is closed.
[cut to Kelly and Ryan kissing passionately on a work surface]
Kelly: What are we doing? This is so wrong.

Quote from Jim

Jim: [on the phone] Are you sure?
Pam: I just talked to my advisor. Failing.
Jim: I thought you were good at Flash.
Pam: I was. And then they switched to Acrobat just as I was learning Quark. I hate computers.
Jim: Okay, it's no big deal. So you're not a computer geek.
Pam: I have to stay and retake it.
Jim: Wow. Um. Well, okay.
Pam: That means another twelve weeks. Can you do another three months of this?
Jim: It's not- It's not about me. I mean, this is your dream. And you went to New York to do this. So when you come back, you come back the right way. Right?

Quote from Andy

Michael Scott: Guys, she's in there.
Andy: Engaging wings.
Oscar: I'm probably gonna leave after one drink.
Andy: Yeah, with a hot slab of Canadian bacon in your hand.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: Everybody's going to end up dying someday, and I think it's better to die with some people that you like like Oscar and Andy, and concierge Marie, than to know that there's somebody out there that you love that you're not with.

Quote from Andy

Andy: All right. I've scoped out the joint. Those two dudes are as good as naked.
Oscar: How do you even know they're gay?
Andy: Come on! It's Dandy Dale and Foppy McGee over there. Mademoiselle! Beer me dos Long Island Iced Teas, s'il vous plaît. Bad decision in a glass.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Do you guys like apples?
Guy #1: What?
Andy: Do you like apples?
Guy #1: Uh, sorry... what?
Andy: Well, how do you like these apples? Alright, on a scale of 1 - 10, how hot is that dude?
Guy #2: Is he your boyfriend or something?
Andy: No, but he could be yours if you play your cards right.
Guy #1: Dude, leave us alone alright?
Andy: Gentleman. [walks away]
Oscar: What are you doing?
Andy: Dude, you struck out. They're totally stuck up. Here... drink up.

Quote from Andy

Oscar: I can't believe we called her up. [laughing]
Andy: Totally. Who?
Oscar: I'm talking about Angela. I can't believe we called her up last night.
Andy: We called Angela?
Oscar: You called her.
Andy: That was real? I thought I dreamed that. Oh, god!
Oscar: All right.
Andy: Oh, god! So bad.

Quote from Michael Scott

David: [on the phone] Sounds like somebody had a good trip.
Michael Scott: No, actually, the trip sucked.
David: Excuse me?
Michael Scott: The trip sucked, David. It blew chunks. It was terrible. It was a bad trip.
David: What are you talking about?
Michael Scott: I did not like the trip. Well, starting with the airport shuttle, which was basically just a van. And business class, which was basically just coach. And the hotel which sucked big time.
David: The hotel? What, M-
Michael Scott: It was not- It sucked.
David: I'm sorry to hear the hotel was bad.
Michael Scott: Oh, and thanks for the tip on the concierge. That was great. That was great. That was- That was a really good choice.
David: Hey, hey, Michael. Please, listen for a second.
Michael Scott: No, David, you listen to me. Why did you send her away? That- God! You knew I liked her and you just sent her away. And that-That was a sucky thing to do, man.
David: Michael, sometimes-
Michael Scott: That was a really sucky thing to do.

Quote from Ryan

Kelly: We're back together again, baby.
Ryan: We're back.
Kelly: They tried to keep us apart, but they couldn't. It was like destiny.
Ryan: I realized that, for whatever reason, I just couldn't do better than Kelly.

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