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The Quarry

‘The Quarry’

Season 2, Episode 4 - Aired October 15, 2010

After Axl is suspended from school, Mike forces him to spend the week at the quarry. Meanwhile, Frankie blames herself when Sue's cross-country team is cut by the school.

Quote from Brick

Mike: Brick, fun's over. I need the remote. Need it bad.
Brick: I've been looking everywhere.
Mike: You might wanna expand your search beyond the inside of that hat.
Brick: Dad, no offense, but you don't know what you're talking about. You haven't read the box.


Quote from Mike

Mike: Next. Next. Next. Wait, go back. Next.
Brick: My arm's getting tired.
Mike: Well, Presto, when you find my remote, you can stop.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Look at this, look at this. Never underestimate the power of prayer. Mr. Ehlert just wrote me a check to save Sue's cross-country team.
Mike: What? Ehlert gave you money? Is he dying?
Frankie: I don't know, maybe. How great is this? Sue.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Glad you're catching up on your schoolwork.
Axl: For now. Chuck says it's easy to drop out. Can you call the school, find out if there's some special papers we need to sign?
Mike: My God, you're too lazy to even drop out yourself.
Axl: No, Chuck says it's not that hard. Chuck says the last couple years of high school are a waste. And Chuck says that if...
Mike: All right, that's it. I got something to show you. Grab your coat.
Axl: Chuck doesn't wear a coat.
Mike: Shut up.

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