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The Block Party

‘The Block Party’

Season 1, Episode 5 - Aired October 28, 2009

Mike encourages Brick to join a sports team after his teacher says Brick is struggling to make friends. Meanwhile, Frankie is the only one of the football players not to give his old jersey to his mom, and Sue tries out of the ball girl.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Hear you got your jersey back.
Axl: Uh-huh.
Frankie: Also heard you wanna give it to somebody else.
Axl: Uh, yeah.
Frankie: Well?
Axl: I already gave it to her.
Frankie: What? Her? You gave it to another girl?
Axl: Yeah, whatever.
Frankie: Are you kidding me? What is the matter with you? I keep telling myself that you're still that same kid who gave me that clay giraffe, but I don't think that boy is in there anymore. I mean, how can you be so insensitive? Do you have any idea how much I do for you? And when you get the chance to give me a little shoutout, what do you do? You embarrass me instead. And that... Oh, that, mister, is what I think is lame.


Quote from Frankie

Sue: Did I miss much of the race?
Frankie: What are you doing with that?
Sue: Axl gave it to me.
Frankie: What?
Sue: Yeah. He said he felt bad about me not making ball girl.
Frankie: Aw! [hugs Axl] Oh.
Axl: This is why I didn't tell you.
Frankie: [v.o.] Oh, thank God. He was the same sweet kid who had given me the clay giraffe. He was currently hiding in the shell of a hideous teenager, but there was a glimmer he'd be back.
Axl: Mom.
Frankie: I love you too, honey.
Axl: Can I have a wine cooler?
Frankie: No.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: [v.o.] This block party was shaping up to be the best one ever. Even better than when the kids were out of town. Looked like Mike was finally gonna beat Jack Meenahan. [Brick stands in front of the lawn mower] Or so we thought.
Mike: Brick, what the hell are you doing?
Brick: Dad, we gotta go. The book signing.
Mike: What? What are you talking about?
Brick: You said you'd take me to the book signing. Remember? At basketball?
Brick: Can you take me to a book signing this weekend? My favorite writer is going to be there.
Mike: What? Yeah, sure, whatever.
Brick: You said, "Yeah, sure, whatever." The bookstore closes in a half hour.
Mike: Uh, Brick, I'm kind of in the middle of a race here.
Brick: [takes out his soothing condiments] That's okay.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Hop on.
Brick: Really?
Mike: We're going to the bookstore.
Brick: Shouldn't we take the car?
Mike: No. I know a shortcut.
Frankie: [v.o.] That's the thing about Brick. He's always gonna go down his own path. Instead of fighting it, Mike decided to meet Brick on his terms, and just veered right off the path there with him. I guess that counselor wasn't so wrong after all. When it comes to your kids, all you can really do is be concerned, but not overly concerned. Do what you can and hope for the best.
Brick: Dad, you're going through the Meenahan's yard.
Mike: It's okay. I'm gonna have to mow it anyway.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Hey, maybe I could sneak into her drawer later when she's sleeping and get that jersey. Eh, I don't know.

Quote from Sue

Frankie: Wait, why am I doing this?
Sue: Tryouts for tennis team are next week. Yay!
Frankie: You're trying out for tennis?
Sue: No. Coach said that's a long shot. But he did say there are openings for ball girl. Yay!
[Sue runs after the ball when Frankie throws it again]
Brick: And I'm the one who needs testing.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: So should we be concerned?
Mrs. Tompkins: I guess what I'd advise is that you be concerned, but not overly concerned. Do what you can and hope for the best.
Mike: That's it?
Mrs. Tompkins: That's it. Not so bad. Now, doesn't it feel good to have a plan?
Frankie: So how'd the kid who lights things on fire do?

Quote from Mike

Frankie: She's trying out for ball girl.
Mike: Oh.
Frankie: Oh, I can't help thinking it's my fault.
Mike: She didn't make anything else. That's her fault.
Frankie: No. We're on Brick now.
Mike: Oh. Hard to keep track, isn't it?

Quote from Frankie

[As Frankie decorates a locker with glitter:]
Frankie: [v.o.] Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to Brick's game, because it was the same day as Booster Club. I knew how important it was to Axl for me to be there, and that made it important to me. I had to suck up every scrap of affection from him I could get.
Nancy: Oh, yay, you're here.
Frankie: Barely. My boss thinks I'm on a donut run. Remind me to steal some from the teachers' lounge.
Nancy: Oh, you can't go. The boys wanna thank us for raising money for their new jerseys. It's a whole thing.
[A student opens the locker Frankie just decorated]
Frankie: It's a thing? Oh, that's why Axl wanted me to come. Um, isn't this Axl Heck's locker?
Student: [sighs] That one.

Quote from Axl

Sean: The guys just wanted to do something nice for you moms. Especially since you raised the money to get us these killer new jerseys.
All: Yeah! [cheering And, uh, I know it's not much, but, Mom, I want you to have my old jersey.
Nancy: Aw.
Student #2: Yeah, Mom. You rock. [all cheering]
Axl: Hey. I'd like to give my jersey to a special lady who might not know how special she is.
Frankie: [v.o.] There it was. I complain it's hard to get out of work for the boosting and all, but it's these little moments that make it all worthwhile.
Axl: [throws his jersey] Sophie, I think you're really hot. [cheering]
Frankie: [v.o.] Keep smiling. You can cry in the car.

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