Brick Quote #494

Quote from Brick in Sleepless in Orson

Dr. Fulton: Well, come on in. [cats meowing] Sit anywhere you'd like. Your mom filled me in on what's been going on with you, and it seems like some pretty heavy-duty stuff. So what do you think's up? What do you think's giving you this case of the bummers?
Brick: It's just... These bad thoughts get in my head, and then there's no room for the good thoughts, and then I start thinking maybe because of all the bad thoughts, I'll never have a good thought again. Which also worries me.
Dr. Fulton: [cat meows] Not now, Minnie. I'm working. Well, Brick, we all have to learn to live with fear. You know, that includes this guy right here. I mean, for me, it's Shelly. I mean, I fear that she may marry the guy she's dating right now just because he's decisive and buff. You know, but if she decides to ruin her life like that, I just have to accept it and move on, which isn't to say that I'll meet someone. I mean, not someone like Shelly. I mean, no one can be Shelly. I guess what I'm trying to say, Brick, is I very well may die alone. [cats yowling] Guys, work it out. They fight over who gets the sunbeam.
Brick: It's not just normal fears, though. In any situation, I immediately go to the worst-case scenario and I don't know how to stop it.
Dr. Fulton: Well, there are many possible treatments. Some doctors like to use hypnosis to put you in a deep state of relaxation.
Brick: Hmm. What if I don't wake up?
Dr. Fulton: Then again, other doctors just prefer simple exercise.
Brick: Exercise?
Dr. Fulton: Oh, it's great for dealing with anxiety. You know, when those bad thoughts come, you just get up and move around. Get the blood going. You know what? Maybe go for a jog. Yeah, over to Shelly's house. And while you're there, let me know if you see that butt-faced ponytailed barista, hmm?


 ‘Sleepless in Orson’ Quotes

Quote from Mike

Mike: Look, Brick, you're freaking yourself out here. The news is on 24 hours a day now, so they got to keep drumming up scary stuff so people will watch.
Brick: But it's all true. It's all stuff that's really happening.
Mike: Sure, but what you got to do is ignore it. That's what I do. Anything that's gonna be bad news: TV, the internet, parent/teacher conferences... I ignore it. Embrace denial. You'll be much happier. Then, when you turn 21, embrace beer.
Frankie: [sighs] Nice parenting there, Dad.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: The point is, things aren't really as bad as they make them sound. Did you know there's actually fewer kidnappings now than there were 20 years ago? It's just 'cause we get our news faster, so we hear about them more often.
Brick: So, I shouldn't be worried about being kidnapped?
Frankie: No, of course not.
Brick: Then why can't I go to the mall by myself or talk to strangers?
Frankie: Well, you still have to be on alert.
Brick: For what?
Frankie: You know, for things that will never happen but you should still be cautious about.
Brick: You just said I don't need to worry about being kidnapped. Why do I need to be cautious?
Frankie: Look, you don't. You shouldn't think about it at all. But... j-just keep it in the back of your mind.

Quote from Brad

Brad: Sue, I've been here an hour, and you haven't even asked about me. How's my girlfriend in Canada? She's great. Thanks for asking. How come I'm not driving my Miata? The mechanic says it needs a makeover. Boo. Did I get the male lead in the Annie musical? You bet your bottom dollar I did.