Brick Quote #397

Quote from Brick in Life Skills

Dr. Fulton: Had a thought, Brick. I've been sending you out to talk to other kids with nothing in your toolbox. And that was my bad. So I've taken the liberty of scripting up a little practice conversation that I think might just get the old ball rolling, huh?
Brick: "Hey."
Dr. Fulton: "What's up, dude?"
Brick: "Oh, you know. Just chillin'."
Dr. Fulton: "That's cool."
Brick: "Hey, man, I like your style. You seem like a cool guy."
Dr. Fulton: "You seem cool, too. And hey. I totally appreciate the eye contact, buddy."
Brick: "Thanks. Maybe we could hang out sometime. What do you say, bro?" I really don't think I would say "bro."
Dr. Fulton: Oh. Oh, okay. Well, that's no big. We'll just, uh, change that... to "ace," hmm?


 ‘Life Skills’ Quotes

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [sighs] Look, we know an act of God when we see one, okay? We've had rain from our ceiling. We've had floods from our dishwasher. We've had bedbugs, tornadoes, black mold, red ants, a frog infestation! Yeah. Frogs. It's the end of days at our house. I am not kidding you! Look, in other people's cases, God works in mysterious ways, but not in ours. With us, he's pretty straightforward. And we are not people who ask for a lot. But we are people who demand what is ours and what is right, and if you cannot get with that, then maybe you need to get your supervisor, because I don't think that you want good, paying customers like us driving away angry.
[cut to a well wrapped-up Mike and Frankie driving home as the wind blows:]
Frankie: I'm so angry.

Quote from Sue

Sue: You know, I went on and took the "Rate Your Assignment Partner" quiz, and you are a "severe collaboration limitation."
Axl: With no due respect, I disagree.
Sue: I thought you might say something like that, so I also ranked you on the sibling scale, and guess what? You're a "bummer brother." So... yeah.
Axl: Whatever. This whole thing is lame. Except kitchen floor hoops, which I just invented, and is totally awesome.
Sue: I know you fancy yourself some kind of rebel, Axl, but sometimes in life, you just have to follow the rules. I put on sunscreen an hour before going outside. I wait till the bus comes to a complete stop before standing. You don't think I would love to fill up on bread? I would. But that's not how the world works. The rule of this project is that you and I take the allotted two weeks and do it together. And that's just what we're gonna do, mister. 'Cause a "D" might fly in Ax Land, but it doesn't work in Sue City. And not the one in Iowa. The one right here.

Quote from Brick

Dr. Fulton: One surefire way of making friends? Finding something the other kids are into and gettin' on board with that program.
[cut to Brick on the playground surrounded by kids who aren't moving:]
Dr. Fulton: Hey, Brick. Uh... I thought today's assignment was playing tag.
Brick: I am. I've achieved the highest level of tag. I'm it.