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Quote from Frankie in Life Skills

Frankie: [sighs] Look, we know an act of God when we see one, okay? We've had rain from our ceiling. We've had floods from our dishwasher. We've had bedbugs, tornadoes, black mold, red ants, a frog infestation! Yeah. Frogs. It's the end of days at our house. I am not kidding you! Look, in other people's cases, God works in mysterious ways, but not in ours. With us, he's pretty straightforward. And we are not people who ask for a lot. But we are people who demand what is ours and what is right, and if you cannot get with that, then maybe you need to get your supervisor, because I don't think that you want good, paying customers like us driving away angry.
[cut to a well wrapped-up Mike and Frankie driving home as the wind blows:]
Frankie: I'm so angry.

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