Frankie Quote #691
Quote from Frankie in Thanksgiving III
Pat: Oh, you got here fast.
Mike: Yeah, we made good time. I'll, uh, put our stuff in the bedroom.
Janet: There they are!
Frankie: Oh, wow, Janet. Oh. Y-you got here first.
Janet: I know. We already unpacked. Gary's in the guest room getting a little work done while Lucy takes her nap. Give your auntie fabulous a hug! [hugs the kids] Aw. Oh, I miss my sister.
Frankie: Oh.
Janet: You look so good.
Frankie: So when did you guys get here?
Mike: Yeah. Yeah, didn't see your car when we pulled in.
Janet: Oh, well, Gary actually just got a new SUV, so Dad let us park it in the garage.
Tag: Hey, Mike. Come on. I'll get you set up with them air mattresses.
Mike: Oh, no. It's okay, Tag. I remember where they are from last time.
Janet: Oh, shoot. I'm sorry. Was it your guys' turn to be in the bedroom? I just thought it'd be better for everybody, you know, with Lucy's nap time and all, but we can totally switch if you want.
The Middle Quotes
‘Thanksgiving III’ Quotes
Quote from Tag
Tag: This one's for my liver. This one here, this is for my foot fungus, and this one thins my blood. No lie, if I get as much as a splinter, I can bleed out faster than you can say Tom Sawyer. [Axl chuckles] Don't get old, Mike.
Mike: Believe me, I'm weighing all my options.
Quote from Tag
Tag: Hey, guys, what gives?
Axl: He doesn't want to go back in there 'cause he got shot down trying to pick up the hot cashier.
Mike: No, I was trying to teach him how to talk to girls 'cause he was embarrassing himself.
Tag: [chuckles] Axl, Axl, Axl. Listen, if you wanted tips on the ladies, you should have come to the old Tag-eroo. Here's what you do. First you win over her father. Then you buy her a rose every day for two weeks. Trust me, you'll be holding hands in six months.
Axl: Well, Grandpa, that's all really awesome advi-
Tag: Come on, let's go in. I'll be your sidecar.
Mike: Wingman.
Quote from Pat
Frankie: So, Mom... What's the plan? When are you gonna start cooking tomorrow? Mike's been dreaming about your famous sweet potatoes.
Pat: Oh, don't worry, Mike. You're gonna get your sweet potatoes. This year, I prepared everything ahead of time and I froze it. Made these babies in July. After all, Thanksgiving is about the family, not the food.
Mike: It's a little about the food.