Pat: Oh, you got here fast.
Mike: Yeah, we made good time. I'll, uh, put our stuff in the bedroom.
Janet: There they are!
Frankie: Oh, wow, Janet. Oh. Y-you got here first.
Janet: I know. We already unpacked. Gary's in the guest room getting a little work done while Lucy takes her nap. Give your auntie fabulous a hug! [hugs the kids] Aw. Oh, I miss my sister.
Frankie: Oh.
Janet: You look so good.
Frankie: So when did you guys get here?
Mike: Yeah. Yeah, didn't see your car when we pulled in.
Janet: Oh, well, Gary actually just got a new SUV, so Dad let us park it in the garage.
Tag: Hey, Mike. Come on. I'll get you set up with them air mattresses.
Mike: Oh, no. It's okay, Tag. I remember where they are from last time.
Janet: Oh, shoot. I'm sorry. Was it your guys' turn to be in the bedroom? I just thought it'd be better for everybody, you know, with Lucy's nap time and all, but we can totally switch if you want.