Frankie Quote #490

Quote from Frankie in hecks on a plane

Frankie: We made it. We made it Mike. New York, here we come! Whoo!
Brick: Mom, can you hand me the snack bag?
Frankie: Snack bag?
[shot of the blue snack bag on the kitchen table]
Axl & Brick: You forgot the snack bag?!
Frankie: Let's not point fingers.


Features in the collection: The Blue Bag.

‘The Blue Bag’

Quote from Frankie in A Heck of a Ride: Part Two

Mike: Frankie, where are you going?
Frankie: No, I can't do this. No. I can't do it. I am not gonna take my son a million miles away. I will not be a part of it. It's just... It's too much. You guys do what you want, but I'm not going. I tried, Axl. I tried to be cool so that you'd come back and visit and I wouldn't lose you forever, but you know what? I'm not cool. I am not okay with this. You know, Indiana Mobile has a family plan for a reason. Because families are tied together. No matter what. We can't all be off using our minutes willy-nilly by ourselves. The minutes are all connected! They are intertwined! 'Cause that's the way it's supposed to be. Indiana Mobile gets it.
Mike: Frankie...
Frankie: No. And you have to appreciate the minutes before they run out. Because this is it. It's really it. [sobs] It's over. The five of us are never gonna be together like this again. Axl's leaving, Sue's gonna take some hotel job, Brick'll be sealed up in his room reading, and Dad'll blow up and I'll find out from a grief counselor! It's the end of an era. And it's never gonna be the same again.
Mike: That's the way it's supposed to be. [they all hug Frankie]
Frankie: Just promise me that no matter what happens or... or where you guys end up, we'll always stay on the same family plan.
Axl: We will.
Sue: Promise.
Brick: Always.
[After the family gets back in the car and drives away, the camera pans down to show the blue bag on the road]

Quote from Frankie in A Heck of a Ride: Part Two

Frankie: [v.o.] So, the day was here... my oldest son was really leaving the nest. I was packing sandwiches and pops for the way there and frosting and tissues for the way back.
Axl: Ready to go?
Frankie: Oh, yes.
Axl: Hey, what happened to the blue bag? It's blue.
Frankie: I backed over the orange one, tuna salad rotted in the yellow one, so I got a new blue one. You get a fresh bag for the trip!
Axl: Mm. Mom, are you doing okay? You've been, like, amazingly chill about all this.
Frankie: Oh, you know, you said you didn't want us to make a big deal, so no big deal. No goodbye breakfast. No teary send-off. And when you come home to visit, this is what you can expect. More of this. Cool Mom all the time. Besides, there's one thing I will not miss around here. Your smelly socks. [sniffs Axl's socks]

 ‘hecks on a plane’ Quotes

Quote from Mike

Mike: I gotta get up.
Frankie: Mike, you can't. The "fasten seat belt" sign is still on.
Mike: Frankie, you don't know what it's like to be jammed in that seat. Every seat is giant to you.
Frankie: Look, just close your eyes and go to sleep.
Mike: I can't sleep. What if something happens?
Frankie: So what if it does? You're not flying the plane. There's nothing you can do.
Mike: Oh, no. I have to be ready. What if there's an emergency? People look to tall people in emergencies. We're the lighthouses of society.

Quote from Brick

Frankie: Hey, everybody. Hi. Sorry to bother you, but we are looking for a 9-year-old boy, so if everybody could get up and just look around you.
Sue: [o.s.] Found him.
Frankie: Oh! Okay. Thanks, everybody. Never mind. Found him. We're good.
[Brick is sitting in a storage cabinet reading]
Brick: I got this from a sleeping woman. It's about menopause, but I don't even care. [whispers] Menopause.

Quote from Frankie

Mike: This is nuts. I don't have to be in control. If there's a control freak in this family, it's you.
Frankie: What? Me? [chuckles] You're gonna have to reach pretty far back to make that case.
[flashback to this morning:]
Frankie: We're all wearing orange, so nobody gets lost.
[flashback to the plane:]
Frankie: If you two could just scootch over one toward the window... Sir, then if you could take the aisle seat?
Frankie: You think that's being a control freak? Do you? Do you, Mike? 'Cause it's not. You know what that's called? Being a mom. I packed everyone's suitcases, made the snacks, checked the tickets, made sure nobody gets lost, and what do you do? You take a shower, and you waltz out the door. But I have to dot, because if I didn't, this family would never get anywhere! I'm not in control because I like to be. I'm in control because I have to be.
Mike: Where are those snacks again?
Frankie: Okay, you know what? I'm done. No. That's it. You wanna be in control? You're in charge of the whole family. I'm just a passenger. Mm-hmm. A passenger who is going to enjoy having someone cater to her needs in first class.