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The Snowplow

‘The Snowplow’

Season 3, Episode 4 -  Aired October 11, 2018

Michael keeps intervening in the humans' lives to keep the study group going in Australia.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Shrimp?
Eleanor: Always.
Michael: So... how do you know Miss Al-Jamil?
Eleanor: Mmm.
Michael: You work with her at the university?
Eleanor: Used to. That study is done-zo. I was finally starting to figure things out and now I have to start over from scratch. Again.
Michael: Boy, I know how that goes. Not wanting something to end. Feeling like your little team is the last thing standing between you and oblivion that at any moment, the universe could fold up around you and squeeze the last breath from your dying lungs.
Eleanor: You're a caterer, right?
Michael: It's a very competitive industry. The- The point is, I bet that if the study means that much to you it means a lot to everyone else. You're all just probably waiting for someone to say it out loud. You want some cocktail sauce with that?


Quote from Tahani

Tahani: I would like to acknowledge the wonderful group of people who brought me here. If I hadn't decided to get out of the spotlight of my "Get Out of the Spotlight" Tour, and come here and join the Brainy Bunch, I never would have reconnected with Larry. [crowd exclaims] So, to celebrate our group... I had my favorite patissier whip this up. Would any of you like to say a few words? Eleanor! Yay, Eleanor!

Quote from Eleanor

Simone: Eleanor? Is that you?
Eleanor: No. Called a cab like 20 minutes ago. It says it's ten kilometres away, which is... I don't even know how far.
Simone: It's a little over six miles.
Eleanor: Is that why you came out here? To scold me about the metric system?
Simone: No, I was about to call a cab myself. I have an early class tomorrow. Then I saw my friend hiding behind a plant and I got concerned, then my friend lashed out at me again so, I'm gonna take off and, uh, leave her here with dirty leaves in her hair.

Quote from Simone

Eleanor: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... I'm sorry. I'm sorry, don't go. You're a brain scientist. Can you tell me why I did that in there?
Simone: I mostly do clinical research in neuroscience. I don't really specialise in temper tantrums. Maybe you need a child psychologist, or a binkie?
Eleanor: That's a solid burn. I deserved it. I did. But please, can you help me?

Quote from Jason

Eleanor: The point is... I'm not really an "I'm sorry" type girl. I'm more of a, "It's your fault your car got keyed in the movie theatre parking lot because you wouldn't shut up while watching John Wick"... type girl. But... I'm sorry that I freaked out. Just really gonna miss you guys.
Chidi: We're gonna miss you too.
Tahani: Here's an idea. What if we all agree to a yearly reunion? And then that way, The Brainy Bunch never dies! Each summer, we could all stay in one of our respective houses, mega-yachts, ski chalets, what have you.
Jason: We should all meet up in Jacksonville! My house is right on the water. It didn't used to be, but the whole city is a swamp and it's sinking into the ocean!
Eleanor: Woo! Strong pitch, bud.
Chidi: Next year in Jacksonville.
Jason: Yeah! Uh, we might not want to wait a whole year. It's sinking really fast.

Quote from Michael

Michael: OK. That was an insane thing for us to do. Oh! OK, good news. I have the Doorman's key, so no one will be able to come after us. Let's just try t... [bell ringing]
Janet: Your key is ringing.
[When Michael drops the key on the ground, a video call with the Judge is projected]
Judge: I have a question for you. Are you out of your damn mind?
Michael: Your Honor, look at it from my point of view.
Judge: I have never been this angry in my life which is the age of the universe!
Michael: I understand, but saving the souls of these four humans is more important, so... we're not coming back until we do.
Judge: Oh, don't you even try coming back here cos when you walk through that door I am gonna be waiting for you.
Michael: Sorry, Judge, I think you're breaking up.
Judge: That's impossible. It's a magical key, you dick. [Michael steps on the key] What are you doing? I can see you!

Quote from Eleanor

Chidi: We're on to stage two of the study. I'm going to teach you some philosophical principals and then we will explore how those ideas have affected your personal moral machineries.
[Eleanor farts]
Tahani: Sorry, Eleanor, did you say something?
Eleanor: No, it's my chair. It's got this weird design...
Jason: Your chair smells bad.
Eleanor: I know! See? Another person who agrees, it's the chair.

Quote from Simone

Simone: You guys, let's take a picture! Everyone get in, get in, and say, uh... Oh! Say "ventromedial prefrontal cortex"!
All: Ventromedial prefontal cortex.
Jason: Jaguars rule!

Quote from Jason

Jason: Awesome! But if you want to watch with me, you have to learn my Jaguars cheer. It goes, "Let's go, Jags! Kick their ass! Yeah!" Do you think you can learn that by the weekend?
Tahani: I shall do my best.
Jason: Nice! See you then!

Quote from Tahani

Larry Hemsworth: Tahani? Is that you?
Tahani: Larry Hemsworth? My goodness!
Larry Hemsworth: That's so funny, I just got a call from the restaurant about a jacket I left here and now here you are! I can't believe you remember me.
Tahani: Of course I remember you! We dated.
Larry Hemsworth: I know, I just never expect anyone to remember me. Because I'm only 6ft 4", and I have one of those forgettable faces. Well, uh... I'm sure you're busy, probably don't wanna talk to me. I get it, I wouldn't either, I'm as dull as a rock. Ugh. Even that analogy was boring, I'm sorry. I'm so dull, and I'm ugly, I'm like a rock... urgh! Stupid Larry! Stop talking about rocks!
Tahani: No, no, Larry, please! It's lovely to see you. Sit down, let's catch up! How are Chris and Liam and Luke? Sorry, no. I won't mention your brothers again. As long as you don't mention my sister!

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