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The Funeral to End All Funerals

‘The Funeral to End All Funerals’

Season 4, Episode 8 - Aired November 14, 2019

As Michael awaits the final results of his year-long experiment, Eleanor, Tahani and Jason throw funerals for themselves.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Hello, Good Place committee. Thank you for coming.
Chuck: No, thank you, Michael. You did an incredible job, maybe the best job that anyone's ever done at any task.
Michael: But you don't know how we did.
Paula: We might not know how you did, but we know you did great.


Quote from Jason

Jason: Eleanor, I know you don't like it when people get all emotional about you, so I channeled all of my love for you into this song. [vocalizing and scatting] That's when the foam cannons go pshh! Explode outward! And then back to the song. [resumes vocalizing and scatting]
Eleanor: Okay, okay, we're good.
Jason: Thank you.

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: Yo, yo, yo, angel types, if you are ever gonna do something, you gotta do it now.
Chuck: Oh, you bet we're gonna do something. This has gone too far.
Bruno: I'm composing some very sternly worded letters.
Meg: Are we sure stern is the right tone? We don't want to seem strident. It upsets the norms.
Bruno: You're absolutely right. I apologize... and resign, effective immediately. [applause]
Chuck: So bold. I am so proud of you.

Quote from Judge

Judge: Here it is. Great. Michael, Shawn, Janet, see you in maybe a billion years. It has been one crazy ride, you guys. [sings] I'm gonna miss everybody And I'm gonna miss everybody And I'm gonna miss everybody And I'm gonna miss every... See you at the crossroads, crossroads See you at the crossroads, crossroads [sighs] Oh, I'm gonna miss you guys. Okay. Bye, y'all. [the Judge's button disappears] Janet, what the hell? Give it back.
Janet: No. It's in my void, and you can't have it. I don't say "no" a lot. Did I pronounce that right?
Judge: Janet, you give me back my thingy, or I will go into your void and get it myself.
Janet: I'd like to see you try. [Judge disappears] Oh, okay. She's trying right now. [giggles] She's in my void. It feels... it feels weird. Yikes. Whoa. Okay.

Quote from Judge

Judge: This is so annoying! Okay, Janets. You want to do this the hard way? I am gonna search your voids one by one. And then marbleize you one by one until I get my stupid Earth rebooter thingy back.

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