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Jason Mendoza

‘Jason Mendoza’

Season 1, Episode 4 - Aired September 29, 2016

Eleanor learns about Jianyu's true identity, Jason Mendoza. Meanwhile, Tahani plans a restaurant opening.

Quote from Jason

Chidi: [distant music thumping] Do you hear music?
Eleanor: That's not music. That's EDM.
[Eleanor and Chidi find Jason dancing to music in Tahani's living room:]
Eleanor: What are you doing?
Jason: Eleanor, you were right. No more pretending. It's time for me to be myself. What's up, homie?
Chidi: Eleanor? You broke Jianyu.


Quote from Tahani

Eleanor: Okay. This is not my fault. I swear.
Chidi: Eleanor, one hour ago, that man was a silent Buddhist monk.
Eleanor: Right. But here's the thing: Jianyu is actually... [Tahani walks in] a guy who is nice. Hi, Tahani.
Tahani: Eleanor, Chidi, What a lovely surprise. Don't mind me. I'm just dropping off my afternoon gloves, and picking up my early evening gloves. How are you, soul mate?
Jason: I'm cool.
Tahani: I'm sorry. [laughs] Am I going mad, or did I just hear you say, "I'm cool"?
Eleanor: Mmm, mm-mm. I don't think so. I don't think that happened. You're... you're wrong.
Tahani: I see what's going on here. You've got a whisper in your snickerbox. You're both helping Jianyu to regain his confidence to be able to speak again as a surprise for me!
Eleanor: Oh, busted.
Tahani: [laughing] My heart is soaring. [hugs Jason]

Quote from Jason

Pillboi: Hoo hoo hoo! Oh, another great set, Jason. They love you, dude.
Jason: They don't love me, man. They love Acidcat. These cheers are fake. They hit my ears like boxing gloves of sadness.
Pillboi: Whoa, that's some poetic thoughts, B.
Jason: I got to be myself. [crowd cheers as Jason returns to the stage] Attention, Jacksonville. I'm not Acidcat. I'm Mr. Music, the DJ. And this is a Mr. Music, the DJ original. Pow! [dance music plays] [crowd booing] Aah!

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: If Jianyu starts talking about topless Buffalo wing restaurants, we're all screwed.
Michael: Jianyu Li, a Taiwanese monk who took a vow of silence at the age of eight and hasn't spoken since, is ready to share with us.
Jason: Let me tell you about Stupid Nick.
Eleanor: [to Chidi] We need a distraction right the fork now. [walks towards the cake]
Chidi: No, no, no, no, no. Eleanor, Chef Patricia poured her heart and soul into this. Destroying it would be a truly cruel act.
Eleanor: Yeah, no durr. [punches through the cake and knocks it onto the floor]

Quote from Chidi

Chidi: You broke the world. [Eleanor smiles] That's not a compliment.

Quote from Michael

Michael: Glenn, stay calm. We're gonna get you out of there. And we'll put your soup in the fridge so it won't go to waste. I know that may not be your number one concern right now, but...
Glenn: It was up there. It's real good soup.

Quote from Jason

Eleanor: Hey, buddy. You okay?
Jason: No. I was just about to tell an awesome story about a wing eating contest that I lost and a barfing contest that I won, but then a hole opened up in the ground.
Eleanor: I know. I made the hole to save you from yourself. You cannot let people know who you really are. It would be very, very bad.
Pillboi: Beautiful, beautiful Jacksonville. What's wrong, dog? You look like you're freaking out.
Jason: Things are bad, Pillboi. Acidcat is suing me for "bleach of contract." I should have never pretended to be someone else. It could cost me all my dreams in life.
Pillboi: You got dreams in life? That's lit.
Jason: Of course I have dreams, man. I don't want to be a DJ in Jacksonville forever. I want to DJ in Daytona, Tallahassee, Tampa, even. I want it all.
Pillboi: That's big goals, man.
Jason: I know, but I believe in myself. Someday, the world will see what I already know: that Jason Mendoza is a beautiful, unique soul who has so much to give this world. Okay, that's Acidcat's speedboat. Hand me the thing that blows it up. [Jason lobs a molotov cocktail onto the deck of the boat]

Quote from Tahani

Tahani: Michael, I hereby tender my resignation. I can no longer in good conscience coordinate any further events in The Good Place. So, I am turning in my evening gloves.
Michael: Tahani...
Tahani: Don't try to make me feel better. The launch was a disaster. Poor Jianyu was so terrified that I fear he may never speak again. My hair is barely cascading down my shoulders.
Michael: Tahani, please. I know your journey with Jianyu has been frustrating, but your situation is actually very typical. Soul mates sometimes take months to really click. You have to be patient. And if anyone should take the blame for the restaurant disaster, it's me. I thought this neighborhood's troubles were behind us. Now I fear the worst.
Tahani: Michael, I hereby rescind the tendering of my resignation. We must keep the neighborhood together. What can I do?
Michael: Oh, well, the sinkhole should be repairing itself in about three days.
Tahani: Well, as soon as it does, we shall re-launch the restaurant. I'll hang posters to get the word out, and in the meantime, I'll host a brunch party every morning to lift people's spirits.
Michael: Ah!
Tahani: While you repair the universe, I shall prepare the eggs.
Michael: Oh, fanciful wordplay.
Tahani: Indeed. That is the Tahani that you know and love.

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: Let's get crackin', Teach. I read this entire David Hume book, and then I read it again because I didn't understand it the first time, and now I'm ready to go.
Chidi: Wow, that's really impressive. Where's Jianyu?
Eleanor: Honestly, I don't even know if he's coming.

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