‘Twice in a Lifetime’
Season 5, Episode 20 - Aired February 24, 1990
Rose is conflicted when an old boyfriend from St. Olaf shows up and wants to get back together. Meanwhile, Sophia moves out after she grows tired of Dorothy telling her what she can do.
Quote from Sophia
Rose: [answering phone] Hello. Hi, Miles. Oh, I'm sorry. I can't make it tonight. I have a 24-hour Buzz- Bug! Well, I'll call you tomorrow. Thanks. Bye-bye. [hangs up] I should have told him I have a date with Buzz. God, I hate me right now.
Sophia: What a shame. We finally have something in common and I'm moving.
Quote from Sophia
Buzz: Hi, adorable. Ladies.
Sophia: Wow, you're the first sighted person I've ever seen in a suit like that.
Buzz: I'm dressed like this because the band just had a rehearsal for our European tour.
Dorothy: It's a beauty.
Buzz: Rose, how about some ice cream? You ladies care to join us?
Dorothy: No thanks. We don't wanna spoil our dinner.
Sophia: Not that that outfit hasn't done a good job already.
Quote from Rose
Dorothy: How was dinner with Buzz?
Rose: He asked me to go to Europe with him.
Dorothy: Rose, what about Miles?
Rose: I don't know. I honestly don't know. For some reason, Buzz just doesn't wanna take Miles with us.
Quote from Sophia
Sophia: Well, I'm leaving. I found a compatible roommate. There's my new address and number.
Dorothy: Oh, come on. Ma, you're joking.
Sophia: It's no joke. Ciao, auf Wiedersehen, arrivederci and sayonara.
Rose: Gee, she could have at least said goodbye.
Quote from Sophia
Maria: Should I draw your bath?
Sophia: I can draw my own bath. I can do everything by myself.
Maria: OK, Mrs. Petrillo. You're the boss.
Sophia: Look, I'm not the boss. I'm a poor immigrant from Italy and I feel very uncomfortable having somebody wait on me hand and foot. [doorbell]
Both: I'll get it.
Sophia: Sit.
Quote from Sophia
Blanche: Oh, my God. Oh, Dorothy, look at this. Oh!
Sophia: What do you want?
Dorothy: Well, we were just in the neighborhood. We thought we'd stop by and see if you need anything.
Sophia: Obviously better security.
Quote from Blanche
Blanche: Oh, Dorothy, the art in this room is magnificent. I know. I work in a museum. I'm an art expert. Look at this Renoir.
Maria: Actually, that's a Seurat. His signature style was pointillism. Notice how the little dots of color seem to blend together from a distance.
Blanche: Oh, yeah.
Maria: You wanna see the Jackson Pollock in the john?
Blanche: I'd love to.
Maria: Come on. I gotta scrub the toilet anyway.
Quote from Sophia
Sophia: Oh, here's my roomie. Hi, Malcolm.
Malcolm: Who's Malcolm?
Sophia: You are.
Malcolm: OK.
Dorothy: Ma, he's a man. I didn't know you moved in with a man.
Sophia: What difference does it make? He's over 100 years old. I'm not sure he knows I'm a woman.
Malcolm: I think Amos and Andy are on the wireless tonight. What do you say we stay home and laugh our asses off?
Sophia: Malcolm, I told you I'm going out with the girls tonight.
Malcolm: Yeah, you always were the ladies' man, Tommy.
Quote from Rose
Rose: Miles, what are you doing here?
Miles: Rose, I want the truth. There's something going on between you and Buzz.
Rose: Yes, Miles, there is something going on. I'm just not sure what it is.