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The Stan Who Came to Dinner

‘The Stan Who Came to Dinner’

Season 2, Episode 13 - Aired January 10, 1987

After Stan undergoes bypass surgery, he moves into the girls' house to recuperate. As the months tick by, Rose and Blanche begin to think he's taking advantage of Dorothy.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: I'm just scared.
Rose: It's understandable.
Dorothy: No, it's surprising. You know, when I was married to Stan, there were moments when I'd look at my life and think, "Oh my God, what if I lost him?" Well, I guess you can't just turn your back on 38 years of living because part of me feels that way right now. And I didn't expect it. I mean, I thought the next time I'd go through this would be for Ma.
Sophia: As long as I'm here, maybe fall and break my hip so you won't have to come back.
Dorothy: You know, it's strange. If anything happened to Stan, I would feel like his widow. I mean, I know I'm not, but we've been through so much together that that's how I'd feel.


Quote from Blanche

Stan: Dude, so you won out. I figured you would. I overheard Blanche telling the girls last night that you got all the brains, charm and sex appeal, while your brother Rob the slob batted a big fat zero.
Blanche: OK, Rob, I'm ready. Let's go.
Stan: You're Rob?
Rob: Bye, Blanche.
Blanche: Why? What's wrong?
Rob: Ask him.
Blanche: Stan?
Stan: I thought Rob was Bob and I guess said something I shouldn't have.
Blanche: Stan, I'm gonna kill you.

Quote from Dorothy

Rose: The point is you're letting Stan get too comfortable here. He may never wanna leave.
Blanche: Now, she is right, Dorothy.
Dorothy: She is not. He is recuperating. He is not getting comfortable. Believe me, he doesn't wanna stay here any longer than necessary. [Stan enters] Stan, you're wearing my robe.
Stan: Tell me about it. Which one of Stan's angels forgot to pick up my dry-cleaning? Oh, wow, cheesecake. Mmm. I just love it when we all get together like this.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: You feeling better, Magic?
Stan: Dorothy, Dorothy, I I know this sounds insane. But I thought that a little physical activity would help me snap this setback. I was wrong, you were right. I should just rest. Could you help me get back into bed?
Dorothy: Stanley, how could you fake a relapse? I mean, do I deserve this? Stan, I took care of you because I thought you needed me. I defended you to my friends. I mean, why did you do this?
Stan: I'm scared, Dorothy. I'm scared of being alone. This whole experience has made me feel so vulnerable.
So mortal. Being here with you makes me feel secure. Sure, it's great having somebody cook your meals, clean your room, do your laundry, entertain you. In fact, it's terrific. But that's not why I wanted to stay. It's just a bonus. I wanted to stay because I'm happiest with the people I love.
Dorothy: Stanley. Stanley, you know, in all the years we've been together I don't think you've ever opened up to me this way... and poured out such crap.
Stan: Didn't buy any of it, huh?
Dorothy: Not true. I believe you're scared. You've just discovered something most of us have known for years: That life doesn't always turn out exactly the way you like it. I found that out when you divorced me. I was scared and alone. But I survived. And now you will too. Because you have to.
Stan: Does this mean you're throwing me out?
Dorothy: I'm not throwing you out, Stanley, I'm pushing you out of the nest. Now, you can't run over here every time you have a problem. I'm not your mother. I'm not even your wife anymore. Now, Stanley, it's time that you grew up. Happy birthday, Peter Pan.

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