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The Bloom Is Off the Rose

‘The Bloom Is Off the Rose’

Season 6, Episode 13 - Aired January 5, 1991

Rose feels her relationship with Miles lacks excitement. Meanwhile, Dorothy doesn't like the way Blanche's new boyfriend is treating her.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Oh, I wish Blanche wasn't out on a date. I just hate the thought of her being with that guy Rex. I'll tell you, no man would ever treat me that way, and you know why, Ma?
Sophia: The whole city knows why. They heard it on the radio.


Quote from Rose

Miles: Look, Rose Rose, we gotta talk. Are things between us getting a little dull?
Rose: Oh, let's face it. You and I are Yawn City, population two. Miles, do you love me?
Miles: Well, of course I do.
Rose: How much?
Miles: Well, I don't know. Lots.
Rose: Enough to jump out of an airplane?
Miles: Well, sure, sure. Enough to climb the highest mountain, swim the widest river, jump out of an airplane. So, what do you say? Dinner, huh? Then we'll over to my place and watch some TV. I won't try anything, I swear.

Quote from Rose

Instructor: Seconds after you jump, your chute will open automatically, and you'll lurch upwards. Unfortunately, not high enough to get back in the plane. Now, all you have to do is relax and enjoy the view. The only thing to remember is, when you hit the ground, tuck and roll. Tuck and roll. Say it.
All: Tuck and roll.
Instructor: Someone didn't say "tuck."
Miles: I'm sorry. I'm a little nervous.
Instructor: Well, that's good. It'll keep you on your toes. Too bad there won't be anything underneath 'em.

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