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Old Friends

‘Old Friends’

Season 3, Episode 1 - Aired September 19, 1987

Sophia bonds with an elderly gentleman who sits down on the boardwalk every day. Meanwhile, Blanche accidentally gives Rose's teddy bear away to a little girl.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Daisy, honey, be reasonable. Now why won't you give the bear back?
Daisy: Because he belongs to me.
Dorothy: He does not belong to you, sweetheart. No, he belongs to Rose.
Daisy: She gave him to me.
Blanche: But honey, I had no right to do that.
Daisy: You mean, you made a mistake?
Blanche: Yes, that's all it was, just a silly mistake.
Daisy: In Sunshine Cadets, we learn you have to pay for your mistakes. This one's gonna cost you a ten-speed Schwinn.


Quote from Dorothy

Rose: Hi, everybody.
Blanche: Oh, Rose, don't move, honey. She's got the teddy bear and a water pistol.
Rose: What?
Dorothy: Rose, it won't sound any less ridiculous if you hear it again.

Quote from Rose

Rose: You found my teddy. Where was he?
Daisy: You didn't tell her?
Rose: Tell me what?
Daisy: I think the price just went up. I'll get back to you within 48 hours.

Quote from Dorothy

Sandra: He has his good days and he has his bad days. You just never know what to expect.
Dorothy: No, I understand. My mother can be the same way. I guess it's just part of getting older.
Sandra: Some of it. But my father isn't going to get any better. He's only gonna get worse.

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