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Home Again, Rose: Part 1

‘Home Again, Rose: Part 1’

Season 7, Episode 22 - Aired April 25, 1992

After Rose misses her high school reunion, the girls crash the East Miami High reunion.

Quote from Rose

Pete: Hi, I'm Pete Fielder. Senior class president.
Rose: Oh, my God, it's the president!
Blanche: Rose.
Dorothy: I'm gonna try something. Look, there's a tar salesman.
Rose: Oh, my God, it's a tar salesman!


Quote from Dorothy

Pete: Hello and welcome. I hope you're all enjoying yourself. But it's now the moment we've all been waiting for.
Dorothy: Oh, I'm tired of being Cindy Peeples. Her life is almost as boring as mine.
Blanche: Oh, let's go home, Dorothy, Rose.
Dorothy: Okay, okay, Blanche.
Pete: And now, the king and queen of the prom, Danny Farrell and Cindy Lou Peeples! [cheering, band fanfare]
Dorothy: I'm queen! I'm queen! Oh, Ma, Ma, I'm queen of the prom.
Sophia: I'm proud of you, Cindy Lou.
Dorothy: I'm queen.

Quote from Dorothy

Pete: Hold it. You're not Cindy Lou Peeples.
Dorothy: I don't know what you're talking about. I brought my mother. She'll vouch for me.
Sophia: Yes.
Ted: That- That's Mrs. Gonzales.
Sophia: Uh, si.
Guy: They're both impostors.
Dorothy: Run, Ma, run!
Rose: Dorothy. [Rose collapses]
Dorothy: Do you see what you've done? You've upset Kim Fung-Toi.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Oh, this is all my fault. This is all my fault.
Dorothy: Blanche, what are you talking about?
Blanche: Well, don't you see? I was the one who knew she wasn't feelin' well, and yet I insisted she go to that old reunion. [sighs] How can I be so self-centered? I couldn't even hear a cry for help. Oh, all I ever think about is me. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
Dorothy: Blanche, we all knew she wasn't feeling well.
Blanche: Do you mind, I'm talkin' about me.

Quote from Rose

Blanche: Now, you just take it easy, Rose. I think this scare really touched all of us. I found myself bargaining with God. I promised him that if you were all right, there'd be a lot less sex and a lot more church.
Rose: [laughing] I'm sorry. I- I thought you were making a joke to raise my spirits.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: We all got a second chance. I realized I wasn't living up to my potential. I'm gonna find out what I'm good at. Take an aptitude test. Maybe go to law school.
Dorothy: Oh, Ma, come on, you'll be 96 when you get out.
Sophia: I'll be 96 anyway.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Well, since everyone is making promises, and in celebration of Rose's miraculous recovery, I've decided I'm gonna go out more. [off Rose and Blanche's looks] What, she's gonna be a lawyer and I can't go out?

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Well, I've heard it's really expensive.
Rose: Not if you just do your head. What? I want to preserve my brain. [all laugh]
Blanche: Oh, we're sorry. We thought you were makin' a little joke to raise our spirits.

Quote from Blanche

Rose: No, I want to get my head frozen and I want you to promise me you'll help me with this.
Dorothy: All right, if it'll make you happy, I will see that your head gets to the cryogenics people. And Blanche'll help me, too.
Blanche: Well, I do have George's old bowling ball bag.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Okay, we'll be good friends and have our heads frozen, too.
Sophia: [laughs]
Dorothy: What?
Sophia: I was just thinking about what Dorothy said about getting out more.

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