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Family Affair

‘Family Affair’

Season 2, Episode 7 - Aired November 22, 1986

Rose and Dorothy clash when Rose's daughter, Bridget, and Dorothy's son, Michael, sleep together. Meanwhile, Blanche is on bed rest and it's not as fun as it sounds.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: But I thought the job was till the end of summer.
Michael: I had artistic differences with the club owner.
Sophia: People pick on him because he's talented.
Michael: He wanted everyone to wear a tie and I refused.
Sophia: Michael stands up for his principles.
Dorothy: Yeah, he's the Norma Rae of the music business.


Quote from Rose

Rose: Wait a minute. Where are the little wooden shoes I carved out of cheese?
Dorothy: My mother spread them on the tiny windmill you built out of Triscuits.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Honey, you just follow the doctor's orders and everything'll be fine.
Blanche: Dorothy, I can not possibly go without physical activity for an entire week. I have serious needs. After all, I'm at my sexual peak.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: Well, I am, Dorothy. When a woman's at her sexual peak-
Dorothy: Blanche, this is my child.
Michael: Mom, I'm not a child anymore. I wish you wouldn't treat me like one.
Dorothy: Don't be ridiculous. I don't treat you like one. Ooh, here's $10. Go take your grandmother to see The Journey Of Natty Gann.
Michael: Mom.
Sophia: Shut up and take the money. The hell with the movie. We'll double our money at the track, get a nice lunch at the bar, and goof on bums.

Quote from Dorothy

Rose: I can't believe it. I just can't believe it.
Dorothy: Believe it, Rose.
Rose: I can't. You know it is when you can't believe something?
Dorothy: Yes. I can't believe Alan Thicke has a hit series, but that doesn't mean it isn't so.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Good morning.
Dorothy: Ma, why are you dressed like that?
Sophia: I'm introducing my new line of tennis wear. What do you think? I'm in mourning.
Blanche: For whom, Sophia?
Sophia: Michael. After last night, he doesn't exist.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: You ungrateful brat, how could you do this to me? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That's not what I planned on saying.
Michael: It's OK. You've every right to be angry.
Dorothy: I just don't understand how you could do such a thing.
Michael: It wasn't anything planned. The whole thing just kind of happened.
Dorothy: Oh, just kind of happened? Michael, dandruff just kind of happens. Not a thing like this. And if you don't know the difference then I must have failed somewhere along the line.
Michael: Will you stop torturing yourself? None of this is your fault.
Dorothy: Yes, it is. Where did I go wrong with you?
Michael: You didn't. You're a great mother.
Dorothy: If I were a great mother, you would be graduating from medical school, not playing doctor with my best friend's daughter here in this house.
Michael: Ma, I'm sorry. I know it wasn't the right time or place and it ended up embarrassing you, grandma and your friends. I guess I wasn't thinking.
Dorothy: That's your problem, Michael. You go through life not thinking. You go from town to town, job to job, obviously relationship to relationship. Michael, you're 29 years old. When will you grow up and accept some responsibility?
Michael: Look, I'm sorry about what happened and I'm sorry I'm never going to be all the things you hoped I would be.
Dorothy: The only thing I want you to be, Michael, is happy. I just don't want you waking up one morning, sorry for choices you made.
Michael: I appreciate that. But, Ma, I have to live my own life. And despite my flaws, I am basically a decent, honest person. Do you think maybe you could just love me for that?
Dorothy: I already do.
Michael: Then you forgive me?
Dorothy: Of course I forgive you. But if you ever pull a stunt like that again, I am going to throw you out on your flawed but honest behind.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: So, did you two make up?
Dorothy: Yes, Ma.
Sophia: Did you apologize to your mother and beg her forgiveness?
Michael: Yes, Grandma.
Sophia: OK, now do it to me.
Michael: I'm sorry. I wouldn't hurt you for the world. I hope you can forgive me.
Sophia: That's it?
Michael: And I promise to write more often.
Sophia: And?
Michael: And call you every week.
Sophia: Every week? What, you think I don't have a social life? You can call me every other week.
Michael: OK, every other week.
Sophia: Good, you're forgiven. Well, thank God this mess is over. I couldn't see a thing through this crap.

Quote from Sophia

Bridget: Wanna share a taxi?
Michael: Sounds great.
Sophia: Make sure that's all you share.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: I'm not talking to you.
Blanche: I guess you're still upset with me about last night?
Dorothy: No, I'm upset because Crockett and Tubbs are wearing darker colors.

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