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Big Daddy

‘Big Daddy’

Season 1, Episode 24 - Aired May 3, 1986

Blanche is concerned when her father, Big Daddy, visits and announces he's becoming a traveling singer. Meanwhile, Sophia uses some of her Sicilian magic when a neighbor refuses to take responsibility for tree that fell from his property.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: And Daddy, this is Dorothy.
Dorothy: I'm sorry. I hope I didn't offend you.
Big Daddy: No harm done, darling. Now, I want you to promise me you won't fret none.
Dorothy: Well, I would, except I'm not exactly sure what "fret none" is.


Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: You look tired, Ma.
Sophia: Rose kept me up all night.
Dorothy: Oh, why?
Sophia: I don't know. She was afraid of the storm. Three in the morning, she knocks on my door, crying, begging, pleading to get into bed with me. Just like your father used to do before we got married.
Dorothy: So what did you do?
Sophia: I told him, "You're not getting anything till you put a ring on my finger and a donkey in my father's barn!"
Dorothy: Not Pop, Rose!
Sophia: I told her to get the hell out of my room.

Quote from Rose

Blanche: Well, maybe I am exaggerating just a touch, but not about Big Daddy. Oh, he's a very special man.
He has truly been a father to everybody in our town.
Rose: Your mother must have been a very forgiving woman.

Quote from Sophia

Mr. Barton: Well, looks like you had a little bad luck here.
Rose: Boy, we certainly did. Any damage to your place?
Mr. Barton: Nope. Not a scratch.
Rose: Oh, thank goodness. If the wind had been blowing in the opposite direction, your tree could have fallen into your living room.
Mr. Barton: What do you mean, my tree?
Dorothy: She means your tree because it was on your property.
Mr. Barton: No way, lady, this is your tree. It's your responsibility.
Mrs. Barton: Oh, my goodness! Our tree fell into your yard!
Mr. Barton: Clam up, Gladys. This is their tree.
Dorothy: Look, there seems to be some confusion here. But we are neighbors, what do you say we split the cost and have the tree hauled away?
Mr. Barton: What do you say you have it hauled away and I'll split.
Sophia: That does it! You don't have any choice. You're hauling that tree away, capisce?
Mr. Barton: You Italians have got some temper!
Dorothy: "You Italians"?
Sophia: With disdain in his voice, he said it. Now you're gonna pay.
Mr. Barton: What are you doing?
Sophia: It's the Evil Eye. I just put a Sicilian curse on you. You're not gonna have a moment's peace till you haul that tree away!

Quote from Sophia

Mr. Barton: Where's the old lady?
Blanche: Ah-ha!
Sophia: You looking for me, mouth?
Dorothy: Ma. I'm glad you're here, Mr. Barton. I went down to the courthouse this morning and-
Mr. Barton: Look, this isn't a social call. This morning, when I got in my car, somebody let the air out of my tire. I know she did it!
Rose: Well, that's ridiculous!
Mr. Barton: If I catch her on my property, I'm gonna have her arrested.
Dorothy: Oh, Mr. Barton, I assure you, my mother had nothing to do with your tires. It was just a coincidence.
Sophia: Coincidence, my eye. [makes curse gesture]

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: What is it, mouth?
Big Daddy: Back home, most people start off with, "How do?"
Blanche: Daddy!
Big Daddy: Baby girl! Looking at you takes my breath away! Hair as shiny as the dew on a field of sunflowers.
Eyes that sparkle bluer than the Mississippi, and the prettiest smile on either side of the Mason-Dixon Line!
Blanche: Didn't I tell you my daddy was the smartest man who ever lived?

Quote from Blanche

Big Daddy: I can't stay, honey. I've got some business to attend to.
Blanche: Oh.
Big Daddy: But I'll be back later tonight. I got a surprise for you!
Blanche: Oh, did you get me something? What is it? What did you buy for me, Daddy?
Big Daddy: Well, nothing, sugar.
Blanche: Oh, fiddle-dee-dee.
Dorothy: Fiddle-dee-dee?
Rose: This is so much fun! It's like being in Gone with the Wind.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Oh, come on, Blanche, you're overreacting! If you're really concerned, why don't you talk to him?
Blanche: You're right. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stay completely objective and keep an open mind. I'm sure there's some perfectly logical explanation why my daddy's lost the stuffin' out of his comforter.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: My father is not off on some crazy lark, Dorothy. He sold our house and our land and everything he spent his lifetime building. He needs help. I never thought this could happen to my father. Other people's parents get old and grow frail and need taking care of, but somehow I'd always thought Big Daddy would go on forever.
Dorothy: Honey, we all think of our fathers that way. We remember them as strong and handsome and wise.

Quote from Blanche

Rose: I've never been in a place like this. Are these all real cowboys?
Dorothy: Of course, Rose. You can tell because they wear cowboy hats and drink wine spritzers and drive Volvos. Uh, Blanche, who do we see about our table?
Blanche: Oh, I don't know. This is the first time I've ever been here.
Man #1: Well, howdy, Blanche.
Man #2: Hi there, Blanche.
Blanche: Ladies. No, I'm wrong. I think the museum did have its Christmas party here.
Rose: What's that noise?
Blanche: Oh, they have a mechanical bull in the back room. I read about it in the Sunday supplement.

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