‘The Way We Met’
Season 1, Episode 25 - Aired May 10, 1986
When the girls can't sleep after watching a scary movie, they reminisce about how they all met each other.
Quote from Dorothy
Rose: I'll make it up to you, Dorothy, I promise. Listen, if there's ever a night where you can't sleep, I'll come to your room and sing "Kumbaya."
Dorothy: Rose, I don't know what to say. Yes, I do. Don't ever do that.
Quote from Dorothy
Dorothy: You know, until I met you, Rose, I didn't know that people actually talk back to their Rice Krispies.
Quote from Rose
Rose: This is exactly what happened during the Great Herring War.
Blanche: The Great Herring War?
Rose: Yes. Between the Lindstroms and the Johanssons.
Dorothy: Oh, that Great Herring War!
Rose: The two families controlled the most fertile herring waters off the coast of Norway, so naturally, it seemed like it would be in their best interest to band together. Oh, boy, was that a mistake. You see, they couldn't agree on what to do with the herring.
Dorothy: Oh, well, that's understandable. I mean, the possibilities are overwhelming.
Rose: Exactly. The Johanssons wanted to pickle the herring and the Lindstroms wanted to train them for the circus.
Blanche: Weren't they kind of hard to see, riding on the elephants?
Rose: Oh, not that kind of circus. A herring circus. Sort of like SeaWorld, only smaller. Much, much smaller. But bigger than a flea circus.
Dorothy: Tell me, Rose, um did they ever shoot a herring out of a cannon?
Rose: Only once. But they shot him into a tree. After that, no other herring would do it.
Blanche: You're making this up!
Rose: I am not! My grandfather told me that story. Of course, he also used to call me by my sister's name. And sometimes, he'd wear his underwear on the outside of his pants. I guess he wasn't a very reliable source.
Quote from Blanche
Blanche: I was never a night person, either. Until I blossomed into young womanhood and realized I was even more devastating by moonlight.
Dorothy: Of course.
Blanche: I will never forget the night I made that discovery. It was during the spring cotillion. I was wearing a long white dress and my first push-up bra. And Bobby "Buck" McAIlister and I were enjoying a glass of punch out on the veranda, when a beam of moonlight hit my cleavage. Suddenly, the band began to play. It was at that moment I realized my bosoms had the power to make music.
Dorothy: Didn't Bette Midler win a special Grammy for that?
Quote from Sophia
Blanche: Well, are you ladies considering taking both rooms?
Dorothy: Oh, no. Just me. Mother lives at the Shady Pines Retirement Home.
Blanche: Oh, the Shady Pines. I know the Shady Pines: it's a lovely place.
Sophia: It's a prison. They lock us in our rooms and force us to look like we're having fun. Then they take pictures for their brochure.
Quote from Blanche
Blanche: Well, I think I'll have just one more cup of tea.
Dorothy: Yeah, and we can finish the cheesecake.
Rose: Sounds good.
Blanche: You know what would go so good on this cheesecake is those chocolate sprinkles.
Rose: We finished those an hour ago.
Dorothy: We could crush some Oreos on top.
Rose: We ran out of those two hours ago.
Dorothy: How about some whip cream?
Blanche: Mm! I think we still have a can. I'll get it, it's in my bedroom.
Dorothy: Never mind, Blanche.
Quote from Dorothy
Blanche: Oh, I never should have watched it, either. It always upsets me, especially that shower scene. Why, it's the reason I prefer not to shower alone.
Dorothy: Sure, Blanche. And Goldilocks and the Three Bears is why you prefer not to sleep alone.
Quote from Dorothy
Dorothy: [v.o.] At that moment. I was convinced I'd blown it. I was sure I'd made a bad first impression. But then I met Rose and I realized I could have shown up naked, playing a ukulele and still gotten the room.
Rose: Oh, it's been such a lovely day. Mr. Sunshine really gave us one of his biggest and brightest smiles. Oh, I feel like putting my arms around Mother Nature and giving her a big kiss. Hi, you must be Dorothy.
Dorothy: And you must be Mrs. Rogers.
Quote from Sophia
Blanche: This is the lanai. It is wonderful in the summertime. Especially if you like to sunbathe with your top off.
Dorothy: Oh, really, really? And the neighbors can't see in.
Blanche: Oh, sure they can.
Sophia: The woman has "slut" embroidered on her underwear.
Quote from Dorothy
Rose: Oh, Dorothy! What do you mean sneaking up on me like that? You scared me half to death!
Dorothy: I'm sorry, Rose. Next time I walk into a dark room in the middle of the night, I'll send a mariachi band ahead of me.