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Tennis People

‘Tennis People’

Season 9, Episode 9 - Aired December 1, 2021

Adam's delight at getting into NYU quickly gives way to worries over his relationship with Brea. Meanwhile, Beverly wants to join Virginia's tennis club.

Quote from Adam

Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was the most amazing moment ever. It's as if those anonymous dance guys were lifting me to the heavens! Ha-ha! And that's when I saw my angel.
Adam: Hey, Brea! So cool you're celebrating my news!
Brea: What? No, I'm celebrating my news! I got into Brown! [music winds down]
Adam: Brown University? But you were gonna go to NYU!
Brea: It's crazy. I mean, an Ivy League school was a long shot, but I got in! And it's the most amazing feeling ever, like I'm...
Adam: The star of your own giant, upbeat, fantasy sequence dance number?
Brea: Exactly! [music resumes] Let's talk more about it at lunch.
Adam: Wait! This feels like a metaphor!


Quote from Barry

Barry: [imitates dialling phone] Bee bee boo boo bee bee bee. Bee bee bee. Bee bee bee. Bee bee bee bee bee bee bee.
Adam: Seems like you hit enough numbers.
Barry: It's long distance. Boo boo bee bee bee bee boo... [gasps] Shh, it's ringing.
Joanne: Hello, this is Brea at Brown University. I mention my fancy school a lot in casual conversation.
Barry: [voice breaking] Hi, Brea? It's Adam Goldberg!
Joanne: Adam Who-berg?
Barry: Your boyfriend! Remember, we were confident we'd always be together?
Joanne: Ha! Such young fools. Hold on a sec. Excuse me, entire lacrosse team? Give me five minutes to pretend to still be interested in my high school boyfriend, and then you can take me to dinner.
Adam: She's dating the entire lacrosse team?
Joanne: Oh, my appetite for life has expanded since I left you in the dirt.
Barry: Why don't we just talk till all hours of the morning like we used to?
Joanne: I can't. I'm too busy thriving without you. Pretty soon, I won't even remember your face. [gasps] Whoa, it just happened. I literally couldn't pick you out of a crowd.
Barry: Okay, I'll call you tomorrow?
Joanne: Please don't... or ever. [scoffs] Oh. P.S., I've always had a crush on your brother.
Barry: Click! Scene! Yes! [they high-five] [grunts]
Adam: Okay, you tapped into my deep reservoir of insecurity. What can I do about it?
Barry: Nothing. It's inevitable. Life will imitate great art.

Quote from Beverly

Virginia Kremp: Well, there is a... there's a small, little obstacle, because the person who runs the admission committee is...
Beverly: Jane Bales. [dramatic music plays] Beverly Goldberg.
Jane Bales: Did one of our members hit you with their Saab and then drag you in here to recover from what I assume are multiple facial contusions?
Beverly: Oh, you're about to see how good my backhand is.
Virginia Kremp: [whispers] Bevy, no, no! She's the one in charge.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] This changed everything. My mom's greatest adversary now held the keys to the castle.
Beverly: Jane. [chuckles] You look... Good in the 'hood.
Jane Bales: What are these words? W-Why aren't you attacking me based on your jealousy of my perfect life and slammin' body?

Quote from Beverly

Virginia Kremp: Well, I brought Beverly here because I am hosting, um, Erica's bridal shower, and she just fell in love with the place, so...
Beverly: I-I'm thinking about joining.
Jane Bales: Oh, now I get it. That crazed look in your eye is hope, and it all depends on me.
Beverly: I know we've shared some rib-tickling over the years...
Jane Bales: You forged a "Do Not Resuscitate" order and slipped it in my purse.
Beverly: We have our fun, but you know what's behind all that playful back-and-forth?
Jane Bales: Hm?
Beverly: Friendship.
Jane Bales: Mm. Then, as a friend, would you do a push-up for me? [Virginia gasps]
Beverly: A push-up?
Jane Bales: I mean, it's an exercise, so maybe you don't know it?
Beverly: Sure, I know. Is there a mat or someplace?
Jane Bales: The... The ground. Right here.
Beverly: [laughs] Boom! [laughs] All right, now you do one. You know, for friendship purposes.
Jane Bales: Oh, God, no. I have dignity. Tomorrow, you and I will play tennis, and we'll see how fun you are to have around.

Quote from Beverly

Adult Adam: [v.o.] My mom was determined to become a member of Ginzy's tennis club... Even if it meant being nice to Jane Bales.
Virginia Kremp: Bevy, Jane is just toying with you. She's never gonna let you in.
Beverly: Well, I am not above tickling the turkey's wattle if it gets me into this club, which I have always wanted.
Virginia Kremp: You never saw the inside till yesterday.

Quote from Beverly

Jane Bales: There's the socially ambitious gal whose fate I control. Ugh, what? Was the phrase "tennis whites" too complicated for you? Although, the real takeaway is how poorly it all fits.
Beverly: Ooh, great slam, Jane. You really took me down a peg.
Jane Bales: Let's just get this over with. I'm playing with someone I like at 3:00.
Beverly: Kapow! The hits just keep coming.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Figuratively and literally. To the leg...
Beverly: Ahh! Ooh!
Adult Adam: [v.o.] the stomach.
Beverly: That's bringing up the pickle water. [grunts]
Adult Adam: [v.o.] To her... [Beverly groans] ...lady middle. [Jane Bales laughs] Right in the old breadbasket.
Beverly: Aah!
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Whether she was ready... [Beverly groans] ...or even on the court.
Beverly: Gahh! [Bleep] me!
Jane Bales: [sighs] And that's the set.

Quote from Beverly

Virginia Kremp: [on answer machine] Hi, Beverly. It's Ginzy.
Beverly: We know, who else sounds like they're carrying a grapefruit between their butt cheeks?
Virginia Kremp: Uh, just wanted to let you know that I heard from the club.
Beverly: Ooh, here it comes! I'm gonna be so leathery tan when I'm old.
Virginia Kremp: And unfortunately, the board members voted "no". I'm so sorry.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Sir or madam, I want to go to Brown. Here's my transcript.
Brown Rep: This transcript is extremely unimpressive.
Adam: Indeed, it is. But my girlfriend is going to Brown, and I need to be near her. Let me in and prove to the world that Brown believes in love.
Brown Rep: But we don't. Now, please go.

Quote from Adam

Adam: Do you have a film program?
John Calabasas: No, but we do have VCR repair. And if you want to start a film program, have at it.
Adam: I would be closer to my girlfriend, Brea.
John Calabasas: So close. As a matter of fact, most of our students are in a relationship with a Browner.
Adam: "Browner." Is that what you call people who to go Brown?
John Calabasas: Absolutely!
Brown Rep: It's not.
John Calabasas: See? You're already learning.

Quote from Adam

Brea: Hey, it's the guy who sells yo-yos at the mall.
John Calabasas: Oh, those are light-up yo-yos. There's a distinct and beautiful difference.
Adam: I found a school close to Brown. They don't have a film department, but the VCR repair program is pretty close.
Brea: What are you saying?
Adam: I'm saying our problem is solved, 'cause we'll both be in Rhode Island.
Brea: Adam, you can't just give up NYU!
Adam: Well, someone's got to give up something, and you sure aren't.
Brea: Whoa, so this is my fault?
Adam: No, not fault. I just wish you cared as much as I do.
Brea: Adam, of course I care.
Adam: Sure, you just have a funny way of showing it, because you're doing everything you can not to be together.
Brea: [scoffs] Well, you're right about one thing. I definitely don't want to be with you right now. [walks off]
John Calabasas: Oh. [laughs] Hey, you got into NYU? Wow! Do you want to come teach at PUTS?

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