Murray Quote #9
Quote from Murray in Daddy Daughter Day
Barry: How do you expect Big Tasty to make it if his crew can't cut a demo?
Murray: Big Tasty? Who's Big Tasty?
Barry: It's me! It's my rap name.
Murray: Your rap name should be big pain in my ass. Now get out of here. Go play in the street.
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘Daddy Daughter Day’ Quotes
Quote from Erica
Barry: So now you know. This is where I go on the weekend.
Murray: What happened to your rap club?
Barry: It was just my cover.
Erica: Okay, you know, you're supposed to cover something embarrassing with something less embarrassing, right?
Quote from Pops
Pops: Knock knock, kiddo.
Adam: I'm not coming out. Mom took me school shopping. It's bad, pops. Really bad.
Pops: Oh, stop. I'm sure you look fine. Holy [beep]!
Adam: I know!
Pops: Who puts a train on a sweater? It doesn't make sense.
Quote from Adam
Adam: Mom, it's the first day of seventh grade. I wanna look cool.
Beverly: Well, who is cooler than your mom?
Adam: All the people.