Beverly Quote #1248
Quote from Beverly in Bill's Wedding
Beverly: What the hell is this?
Virginia Kremp: An elegant centerpiece of tulips and begonias.
Beverly: You expect someone to look at this and feel anything but sick?
Virginia Kremp: Maybe whimsy? Beverly, I do think you're pushing us a little hard here.
Linda Schwartz: I already made 350 cucumber sandwiches. I think that's enough.
Essie Karp: Yeah, and I agreed to iron napkins, not whatever these are.
Beverly: Those are Murray's formal intimates, and you will put that iron wherever I tell you to. Now, getting rid of all this. We're gonna start over.
Linda Schwartz: I am done.
Beverly: Good! 'Cause despite your mediocre efforts, you've really set me back.
Essie Karp: I'm right behind you, Linda. I can't believe I wasted my morning creasing your husband's butt rags.
Virginia Kremp: And I said some hateful words in the bathroom to myself, so I need to go apologize to my children.
Beverly: Well, good riddance! I'll just draw a frown on a sack of flour to replace you!
The Goldbergs Quotes
‘Bill's Wedding’ Quotes
Quote from Murray
Beverly: Dolores, your wedding day is the most important day of your life. Murray and I will never forget ours.
Murray: Yeah, it was the dead of winter.
Beverly: July 3rd.
Murray: There was a chill in the air.
Beverly: The cake melted.
Murray: Memories. The slide show of my mind.
Quote from Bill Lewis
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Back in the '80s, my family had plenty of missteps when it came to love. But for one magic moment, it seemed like the gods of love were smiling on all of us. I was with Brea, Barry had Ren, and Erica and Geoff were as strong as ever. Even my dad's friend Bill Lewis had found someone.
Bill Lewis: My angel, Dolores, I promise to cherish you, and to listen to you recount your dreams no matter how dumb they are, and to smile when I eat what you call a taco salad. Why would you toss a pear in there?
Officiant: This is a courthouse. We don't have time for vows. Is your witness here?
Bill Lewis: Mur-man, you're up.
Murray: And I gotta tell you, I'm ready, except I'm not putting my hand on a Bible.
Officiant: I just need your signature.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: Stop! Nobody sign a damn thing!
Bill Lewis: Oh, no. She found us. How?
Beverly: This morning Murray says he's going out for a walk, and naturally I assumed he's terminally ill or having an affair, so I followed him.
Bill Lewis: A walk, Murray? That's a lie as lazy as the man who told it.