Adam Quote #815

Quote from Adam in The Beverly Goldberg Cookbook: Part 2

Harrison Whitby: I love it.
Beverly: Oh, I knew it! Beverly Goldberg is gonna be a household name.
Harrison Whitby: Beverly Goldberg? Oh, no, I'm reading the wrong book. Oh, your book. Your book is crap.
Beverly: What? But I took out all the blood and historical tragedy!
Harrison Whitby: I don't know what that means. But this right here feels like it was written by a sappy, sheltered simpleton.
Adam: Ouch. Kind of harsh.
Harrison Whitby: Okay, who are you?
Adam: Her hyper-sensitive son who takes her setbacks personally.


 ‘The Beverly Goldberg Cookbook: Part 2’ Quotes

Quote from Beverly

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Back in the '80s, America got in shape, and that meant getting fit and eating right. So every chef started becoming health-conscious, except Chef Beverly Goldberg.
Beverly: For my growing schmoopaloo, my famous lasagna burger bomb.
Adam: Wow! I can't believe no one's ever thought to use lasagna as a bun before.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] She was always inventing new caloric cuisine.
Beverly: For Pops, my triple-meat ziti surprise.
Pops: And the surprise is, the lamb really brings out the beef and chicken.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] But that was nothing compared to what she made my dad.
Beverly: And for my handsome man of the house, salad made just the way you like it... A deli tray of cold cuts and cheeses, zero veggies, served in a bowl of buttermilk ranch.
Murray: You see? Salads don't have to be boring.
Adam: That is, by definition, not a salad. Words have meaning!

Quote from Erica

Erica: Cheggit. My mom sent me one of her famous honey salt pies.
Geoff: Ooh, smells delish. Let me rip into a slice.
Erica: It's funny that you say "rip," because this recipe actually comes from my great-great-uncle Harold. Every limb of his body was ripped off by an amateur circus bear.
Geoff: Oh, my God, what?
Erica: Yeah, but don't worry. The bear didn't kill him. He just left him as a stump and a head.
Geoff: And that's good?
Erica: Well, not for what comes next. He was on top of a hill, and lost control of his crude homemade body wagon, and he was thrown 100 feet into a nearby river, and bobbed for six miles. Luckily, another bear came and finished him off.
Geoff: Two bears? That's the most horrible thing I've ever heard!
Erica: Yeah, it's not great. But bears like honey, so grab yourself a fork.

Quote from Pops

Pops: Bevy, who was that?
Beverly: Destiny.
Pops: How the hell did she get this number?