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The Forgotten Son

‘The Forgotten Son’

Season 4, Episode 9 - Aired November 21, 2001

Eric is uneasy when Kitty starts spending time with Donna. Red chooses Kelso to appear in a training video at Price Mart. Meanwhile, Leo spends lavishly with Hyde and Fez after coming in to some money.

Quote from Kitty

Eric: Look, your mom can't take you shopping, so, you know what, it's cool with me if you guys want to hang out.
Kitty: Honey, I am so glad you understand.
Donna: Yeah, Eric, thanks.
Eric: Yeah. Yeah, just, look, please no talking about me, okay? And no looking at my naked baby pictures either. They're misleading.
Kitty: Honey, I've already seen you naked.
Eric: Mom.
Kitty: Oh, and she's already seen you naked! You know what? From now on, that's all we should talk about.
Eric: Okay. Leaving now.


Quote from Eric

Eric: Oh, no. You're all alone. Where's your little buddy, Skipper?
Kitty: Okay, sweetie. My friendship with Donna is making you uncomfortable, so I'm gonna call it off.
Eric: Really?
Kitty: Mmm-hmm.
Eric: Well, thank you. Maybe some of your loyalty will rub off on Dad.
Kitty: Oh, don't let that bother you. Michael may have movie-star good looks but you are much, much smarter than he is.
Eric: Okay, why couldn't you have said that in front of everyone instead of how great Kelso's bone structure is?
Kitty: I don't want to make anybody feel bad.
Eric: Well, good job.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: Okay, um, Eric's uncomfortable because he thinks we talk about him, which we don't. Although that story about him wearing makeup to his class pictures was a hoot. [laughs] But I guess what I'm saying is, um we probably shouldn't see each other anymore.
Donna: But it's been so nice having someone to talk to since my mom left.
Kitty: I know.
Donna: Someone who understands what I'm going through.
Kitty: Oh, honey.
Donna: Someone to make banana bread with. I ate that for dinner three nights in a row.
Kitty: Oh, you poor, sweet girl.
[Eric opens the front door to find Kitty hugging Donna on the doorstep]
Eric: What the hell?

Quote from Eric

Male Narrator: [v.o.] Price Mart is only as strong as its weakest stock boy. Just look at what one well-trained worker can accomplish. Neat, efficient, organized. The Price Mart way. And each job completed with that award-winning Price Mart attitude. Remember,you can't spell stock boy without... [Eric mouths] "Oh, boy!"

Quote from Eric

Red: Perfect.
Eric: Well, who would have thought a stock boy would do a good job playing a stock boy? Yeah, I mean, it's a topsy-turvy world.
Red: Yeah. You did a good job.
Eric: Wait a minute. Are you proud of me?
Red: No, no, no, no, no. I didn't say that.
Eric: So do we hug now?
Red: Men don't hug.
Eric: My daddy loves me.
Red: Shut it.
Eric: I love you too, Daddy.

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