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The First Time

‘The First Time’

Season 2, Episode 16 - Aired February 14, 2000

When Bob and Midge decide to renew their wedding vows, Donna is tasked with writing their vows. While Bob asked Red to be his best man, Kitty is upset that Midge didn't ask her to be a bridesmaid.

Quote from Kitty

Bob: Oh, Kitty, would you like to meet the bridesmaids?
Kitty: Oh, Bob, would I like to be a bridesmaid?
Bob: No. Would you like to meet the bridesmaids?
Kitty: Oh. Whatever. Fine.


Quote from Hyde

Hyde: Oh, hey, Fez, uh, if anybody asks, this is a glass eye.
Fez: What?

Quote from Jackie

Kelso: Boy, this wedding's gonna be pretty lame without a trampoline, huh?
Jackie: Whatever.
Kelso: All right, Jackie. If you're mad at me, well, then use your mad voice. And if you're not, well, then, lady, you better start chewing my ear off like usual.
Jackie: Look, Michael, I'm not mad, okay?
Kelso: Ah, could you be any more annoying?
Jackie: Yes!

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