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Ski Trip

‘Ski Trip’

Season 1, Episode 13 - Aired January 17, 1999

Eric and friends go on a ski trip without Kelso after he cheated on Jackie. Meanwhile, Red and Kitty try to make the most of an empty house for the night.

Quote from Donna

Eric: Well, uh, here we are.
Donna: Yep.
Eric: So, I still can't believe that Kelso cheated on Jackie with Pam Macy. I mean, that is just a seriously uncool move.
Donna: Yeah.
Eric: I mean, to risk everything for...
Donna: Eric, I would never do that to you. You can trust me.
Eric: Really?
Donna: Absolutely. I would never kiss Pam Macy behind the gym.
Eric: [laughs] Never say never, Donna.


Quote from Eric

Donna: Well, this night turned out okay. Pretty romantic.
Eric: Yeah, it's just how I imagined it. Just you and me...
Fez: I do not feel too good. [Donna hands Fez a trash can] Thank you.
Eric: Okay, maybe it's not just how I imagined.
Donna: Cover your ears, this part gets pretty gross. [Fez retches]

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