Bob Quote #109

Quote from Bob in The Battle of Evermore

Joanne: "Pioneer Pete is lost in the woods. Assemble the map to find his bow and arrow.And shoot the bell with the arrow and Pioneer Pete will appear. Do not shoot Pioneer Pete." And go.
Eric: Okay, this one goes here.
Red: And this piece goes here.
Charlie: Come on, Mitch. Don't give up.
Mitch: Okay, Mr. "I Haven't Had A Job In Five Years."
Eric: So the bow and arrow are behind the feeding trough!
Red: Go, go, go! [bell dings]
Bob: Howdy, y'all! I'm Pioneer Pete! Look, Donna. It's me, your dad.


 ‘The Battle of Evermore’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Red: So, I guess this is the way an immature, engaged, high school dumbass with no car, no job and no money trims the hedges.
Hyde: That was like eight burns in one sentence.
Donna: An octo-burn. Let's get the hell out of here.

Quote from Eric

Red: You know, we're getting killed here thanks to your screwing up that last event. All you had to do was build a cabin out of Lincoln Logs.
Eric: Well, I thought I'd score some extra points by building the Millennium Falcon.
Red: The Millennium what? If that's a Star Wars thing, I'm gonna kick you in the ass.
Eric: It's not a Star Wars thing. It's a very rare falcon that can do the Kessel Run in under six parsecs.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: I can't close my mouth. Can you close your mouth? It's really starting to freak me out. Leo's the best.
Kelso: Leo made me a grilled cheese once. He used butter and made the crust extra toasty. He forgot cheese. I'm gonna miss that grilled-cheese-making son of a bitch.
Jackie: You know, one time, I heard Leo talking on the phone and he was speaking Chinese. So I said, "Leo, stop speaking Chinese." So he turned around, and it wasn't Leo. It was a Chinese guy. [sighs] You know, I'll never forget that.
Fez: I'm just sad I'll never get to see his face when I tell him I did it with Nina. Actually, I'd like to see my face when I do it with Nina. I bet I look like a stallion.
Hyde: So today we sit in this circle in honor of Leo. He was my boss. He was my friend. He was my connection. To Leo.
All: To Leo!