Eric Quote #513

Quote from Eric in Love, Wisconsin Style

Kitty: Okay, here's snacks. So, um, anybody need a drink?
Casey: I'll take a rum and Coke for the road.
Eric: Hey, hey, buddy, little tip? I think booze is what got you in trouble in the first place.


 ‘Love, Wisconsin Style’ Quotes

Quote from Kitty

Red: Let me get this straight. Donna wanted to get back together and you said no?
Eric: I said no.
Red: You said no?
Kitty: Dumbass!

Quote from Red

Eric: Look, I have my reasons, okay?
Kitty: What could they be? What could they possibly be?
Eric: Casey dumps her and she comes to me? Okay, I'm not a rebound.
Red: So you're too proud to take her back? And what do you have to be so proud of? You're not an athlete. The only smart thing about you is your mouth. And look at you.
Kitty: Red- Red, he looks fine. He's just so darn stupid! I'm- I'm very upset.

Quote from Eric

Bob: And then I told Donna she was grounded, and she said no.
Kitty: She said no?
Eric: Can you do that?
Red: No.
Bob: I need your help, Red. I gotta get Donna away from that guy.
Eric: Oh, Dad, you know what's good? Threaten her with the old foot in the ass.