Eric Quote #478

Quote from Eric in Jackie's Cheese Squeeze

Jackie: Eric, did you get a haircut? 'Cause I love it. You look just like Parker Stevenson.
Eric: Oh, really? 'Cause I told the guy that he should- No, no, no! That's not gonna work, tramp-face. I saw tongue.
Jackie: Okay, Eric, I know you and I don't have the best relationship.
Eric: You mean, I hate you, and you hate me.
Jackie: Right. So, let's turn over a new leaf by you never telling Michael what you think you just saw.
Eric: Hmm. Or I could just torture you with this information until I'm bored.
Jackie: Eric.
Eric: Okay, you know what? I'll make you a deal. You can buy two guaranteed hours of silence by carving this wheel of cheddar into a handsome likeness of me. And go.


 ‘Jackie's Cheese Squeeze’ Quotes

Quote from Kelso

Eric: So, hey, Jackie, how's it going down at the cheese shop? You must be so tired from giving it away at the mall. [Donna, Fez & Hyde laugh]
Fez: What are you laughing at?
Hyde: I don't know. What are you laughing at?
Fez: I don't know.
Fez & Hyde: What are you laughing at?
Donna: I don't know.
Kelso: [laughs]
Donna, Fez & Hyde: What are you laughing at?
Kelso: I really don't know.

Quote from Red

Kitty: Red, dinner's ready.
Red: Five more minutes, Kitty. A bunch of birds threw a "crap on my Corvette" party. If I don't get it off, the paint will oxidize. Oxidize!
Kitty: Well, why don't you just put the car in the garage?
Red: Because if I put the car in the garage, I can't see it from the dinner table. Kitty, don't give advice about things you don't understand!
Kitty: Okay. I'm the crazy one.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: You know, ever since Red got his new car, he can barely tear himself away from it.
Joanne: You better watch out, Kitty, or you're gonna end up a Corvette widow.
Kitty: Oh, no, he loves that car. He deserves it. The last treat he bought himself was a pellet gun to shoot the chipmunks that were stealing our tomatoes. And I had to throw that away, because it was giving him war nightmares.
Bob: I'm glad you threw it out. That thing hurt.
Joanne: Kitty, I know what I'm talking about. As soon as my ex-husband got a boat, it was like he forgot I even existed. So I divorced him, took the boat and spent a vigorous three-day weekend on it with the harbormaster.
Kitty: I don't- I don't think that's kitchen talk.