Eric Quote #201

Quote from Eric in Red's Birthday

Eric: Something wrong?
Donna: No.
Eric: So, is there anything on your mind? Something you might want to, you know, talk to your...
Donna: No. [kisses Eric]
Eric: [inner monologue] Don't take no for an answer. She talked to Hyde, get her to talk to you. Get her... On, my God, that can't be her tongue, can it? How is she doing that? So soft, so... Wait! Focus! Talk! [out loud] So, uh, nothing on your mind? Nothing... That's a pretty little shirt. [Donna kisses Eric again] [inner monologue] Holy God, she's sucking my tongue. She is sucking my tongue. Oh, my God, even her spit is sweet. It's like liquid Jolly Rancher. There's something wrong with me. No, there's not, I'm 17. Wait! [out loud] So, nothing... Uh, to confide in me? Eric. Your boyfriend.
Donna: Well, okay, here's something. I love making out with you. [kisses Eric]
Eric: [inner monologue] There. So we talked. Yeah, that was nice.


 ‘Red's Birthday’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Red: What the hell kind of a world are we living in? "Hey, let's date other people!" "Hey, let's date other people, but ditch 'em and do it in a car!" That's enlightened? In my day, we called them degenerates, and we stoned them. With big rocks.
Kitty: Oh, you did not.
Red: Well, we should have.

Quote from Hyde

Donna: Yeah, but you know what the worst part is?
Hyde: Watching your parents split up and knowing there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Donna: Exactly. And you know what else? My mom moved out of their bedroom, into the guest room.
Hyde: Yeah, it sucked when my dad split. But I can honestly say that my parents' divorce made me the man I am today.
Donna: Oh, man, am I going to go crazy and think the government's out to get me, too?
Hyde: The government is out to get you.

Quote from Bob

Bob: [enters] Hey, Donna, Eric, glad you're here. Great news.
Midge: Your father and I had sex.
Donna: Oh, my God.
Bob: In the car.
Donna: Oh, my God!
Eric: Well, that's... super! Hey, isn't that... Is that super, Donna?
Donna: So, are you guys, like, back together?
Bob: Oh, no.
Midge: Yeah, why ruin a good thing?