Fez Quote #567

Quote from Fez in Baby Don't You Do It

Fez: Oh, the cousin kiss. The sexiest of all relative kisses. Right above big-breasted aunt and sleepy grandma.
Hyde: Did you just say, "sleepy grandma"? You telling me you kiss your grandma?
Fez: Not my grandma, a grandma. Sick bastard.


 ‘Baby Don't You Do It’ Quotes

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Okay, fine. I was at the Academy when the auditorium burnt down, but it totally wasn't my fault. See, I got there early to practice with my flare gun 'cause I wanted to show Brooke an actual B for a change.
Fez: Okay, so far, 0% your fault.
Kelso: All right, so I accidentally shot off a flare, and it went all... Like, right underneath the bleachers.
Hyde: Well, we've just jumped up to about 60% your fault.
Kelso: Okay, so then I shot off another flare at the first flare 'cause you know what they say. You've got to fight fire with fire.
Jackie: Yeah, this is now, like, 99% your fault.
Kelso: So then I shot off another flare to warn people about the fire. But that one just went right up and on the roof, and that's when I just got the hell out of there.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: What I don't understand is how you can lie to a pastor in church.
Donna: Well, Mrs. Forman, what about the time you lied to Pastor Dan? You told him your dog ate your bake sale cookies, but you didn't bake them 'cause you were too busy sipping Kahlua and watching that Paul Newman retrospective.
Kitty: I did not lie to Pastor Dan in church. I lied to him at the market, and at the market, he is just a regular man. Now, you two march back to church and tell him the truth. And for your information, Donna, Kahlua is barely a drink. It's like root beer.

Quote from Hyde

[circle in Donna's room:]
Donna: I've got to say, I'm excited about marriage counseling. I'm looking forward to hearing from a third party that I'm right about everything. Oh, and I want my marriage to Eric to be magical.
Jackie: I know how you could do that. Marry someone besides Eric.
Hyde: Hey, I'll see you guys later. I got someplace I really need to be.
[circle in the basement:]
Hyde: Hey, guys, sorry I'm late. Had someplace I really needed to be.
Eric: Okay, so get this. I don't want counseling, Donna does. So we're going. I'll tell you, ever since we got engaged, she's been treating me like some kind of child. Oh, where's my toy surprise?
[Kelso is holding a gun when the camera pans around to him]
Eric: [o.s.] Oh, Kelso, watch it with that gun, man.
Kelso: Oh, relax, Eric. It's not a gun, it's a flare gun. Yeah, tomorrow's Flare Day at the Academy, so we're learning how to use these. Besides, they're totally safe. All they do is shoot balls of fire.
Fez: Kelso, I don't think you should be playing with fire when we're all... Never mind.
Hyde: Man, I've got to stop hitting two circles in one day. I could swear I just saw a ball of fire shoot through this room. Zowie!