Eric Quote #634

Quote from Eric in No Quarter

Eric: I just came from the jewelry store. You can't pay for your own engagement ring. This ring is from me to you, not from me to you, paid for by you. That's like cutting off my bal- [sees his parents] ...lerina shoes.
Donna: I didn't pay for the ring.
Eric: Fenton at the jewelry store said a pretty little number- Oh, my God. Mom? You're the pretty little number.
Kitty: [laughs] Well, I- I do like hearing that... [looks at Red] once in a while. But i-i-it wasn't me.
Eric: Well, I don't know, Dad, some men might consider you...
Red: You just can't stop talking, can you?


 ‘No Quarter’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Red: You know, it occurs to me that since I paid the allowance that bought those records in the first place, that money's mine.
Eric: Well, it occurs to me that possession is 9/10ths of the law.
Red: Keep up with the smart mouth, and my foot will be 9/10ths of the way up your ass.
Hyde: You know, Forman, you should write a book: Things My Father Threatened To Put In My Ass. "Chapter One: His Foot." I'd buy that.

Quote from Red

Bob: Here you go. One general-issue military cot slightly used from my days in the National Guard.
Red: Well, it's good to know that the National Guard was getting a good night's sleep while I was in the South Pacific dodging bullets and using coral as toilet paper!

Quote from Jackie

Donna: Jackie, I thought you were gonna put everything away.
Jackie: I did. The hardest thing was finding room for my shoes. But then I realized I could just fit them inside your shoes.