Bob Quote #119

Quote from Bob in We're Not Gonna Take It

Eric: God, I don't know it's like, why would Joanne fire me? Bob, she's your girlfriend. Did she say anything?
Donna: Eric, ix-nay on the oanne-jay.
Eric: Donna, you know I don't understand pig Latin. Bob, what is Joanne's problem?
Donna: Eric, "ix-nay" means "shut up."
Bob: It's okay, honey. I can talk about it. Me and Joanne broke up. And I didn't see it coming. [sobs]
Red: Bob, what did I tell you last week?
Bob: Don't cry in your kitchen?
Red: And I didn't mean just that day. I meant always.
Bob: I'd better go, then.


 ‘We're Not Gonna Take It’ Quotes

Quote from Fez

Fez: Okay, just to make it clear, if you're buying me a gift, I want candy. For my birthday, Christmas, daylight savings... Candy. Candy!

Quote from Red

Eric: Hey, Mom, look, I know you're worried about money, with Dad not being able to work, but I want you to know I'm gonna get right back out there and get a better job, a high-paying job.
Red: Oh, sure, just go down to the Bureau of High-Paying Jobs. You can't miss it. It's right next to the Pie-in-the-Sky Office. Jackass.

Quote from Kelso

Eric: Hey, Hyde, where's table seven's fish?
Kelso: Oh, I got that for you, Eric. Here is your filet of sole. [reveals a shoe on a plate] Burn!