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First Date

‘First Date’

Season 1, Episode 16 - Aired February 14, 1999

Eric invites Donna out on a date on Valentine's Day, even though she'd made plans to study with Hyde. Meanwhile, Red and Kitty have a dinner party with Bob and Midge.

Quote from Eric

Eric: Hey, we're on a date here.
Hyde: Yeah, man. Well, you shouldn't be because we were supposed to be at the library.
Eric: Hyde, if she wanted to be at the library, she'd be at the library.
Donna: Oh, my God.
Eric: Wait. What do you mean by "Oh, my God"?
Donna: Oh, my God. [runs out]
Eric: Oh, my God. [to Hyde] Look, when my date's done puking you better not be here.


Quote from Hyde

Hyde: [to Eric and Donna's waiter] Excuse me. Hi. Could I get this in a doggie bag, please? Thanks. And I'm in a hurry.

Quote from Midge

Midge: "Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom, fear, and anger are the reasons a gull's life is so short. And with this gone from his thought, he lived a long, fine life indeed."
Bob: Bravo! [they kiss] Isn't she a hot tomato? Oh, jeez. To the lovemaking. [carries Midge out]
Midge: We had a wonderful time.

Quote from Red

Red: Anybody mention how nice that sport coat was?
Eric: Donna.
Red: There you go. So, you had fun, huh?
Eric: Yeah, Dad. Thanks.
Red: You know, you got a chunk of carrot on your shoe there?
Eric: Yeah, Dad. Thanks.

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