Jonah Quote #439

Quote from Jonah in Toy Drive

Man: Excuse me, where do you keep your Transformers?
Mateo: The toy section right over there.
Amy: Oh, and while you're over there, maybe consider buying a toy you can donate to our toy drive.
Man: Oh, I would, but I already donated to the St. Louis Samaritans guy out front.
Amy: What? The Samaritans are here?
Man: Yeah, and I already gave and posted about it. It'd be weird to do another post for this.
Jonah: Couldn't you just donate and not post?
Man: So, like, you would post it and then tag me, or...
Jonah: Or you'd just be helping some underprivileged kids.
Man: And they'd post it? Do they have phones?
Amy: Okay, the toys are back there and to the left.


 ‘Toy Drive’ Quotes

Quote from Dina

Dina: You don't even have to give money to make a difference. I donate my hair to chemo patients.
Cheyenne: Don't you have to grow your hair really long?
Dina: No, anytime I get a trim, I just sweep it into an envelope and mail it to the hospital.
Amy: You send them tiny bits of your hair? What do they do with that?
Dina: Whatever they want, Amy. It's their hair now.
Glenn: Aww.

Quote from Cheyenne

Amy: What kind of organization hires a guy like that anyway? I mean, I bet this whole Samaritans thing is just a big scam.
Cheyenne: Yeah, like those charities that send someone a cow in a third world country and then it just ends up taking a bite out of their TV and, like, hogging the shower and stuff.
Jonah: Was that... Are you thinking of a cartoon?

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [over PA] Attention, Cloud 9 shoppers, this week, enjoy 20% off our nontoxic, organic cotton pillows. Also enjoy wondering what we put in the other pillows.