Jonah Quote #399

Quote from Jonah in Cloud Green

Jonah: So we will start with just this store but eventually we'll recruit employees from other stores, and it just builds from there. So it could go national or even international.
Sandra: Or past that.
Jonah: Um, yeah.
Garrett: So whatcha guys doing over here?
Marcus: We're starting an environmental group. The Green Posse.
Jonah: We haven't settled on that.
Garrett: So kind of like Cheyenne's group?
Jonah: Well, yes, but there is room for more than one group, you know? There's plenty of work to be done, and we are a little more about taking direct action, you know? Getting our hands dirty.
Garrett: Let me guess. Jonah's in charge?
Jonah: No, no, no, no. I mean- We're- It's more of, like, a collective action kind of a thing.
Sandra: You said you were in charge.
Jonah: Yeah- Yeah, I did. But I- But I- But that's- I said that because somebody, you know, has to be in charge, and I'm kind of like the I'm the reluctant leader. You know, it could be anybody.
Marcus: I'll do it.
Jonah: Absolutely not.


 ‘Cloud Green’ Quotes

Quote from Sayid

Sayid: Were you also the one who replaced the straws with these paper things?
Jonah: Yes.
Sayid: These have no structural integrity. Why did I even leave Syria?

Quote from Amy

Amy: So in honor of Earth Day, we'll be helping save the environment by switching to recycled toilet paper and selling The Day After Tomorrow on Blu-Ray for half off.
Garrett: That should do it.

Quote from Sandra

Dina: I'm a vegan so it's basically like driving four Priuses.
Sandra: I play a game at home where I try to use less water each week. Now I only flush my toilet when it's full.
Amy: Okay, uh, that- That was a good discussion.