Amy Quote #187

Quote from Amy in Part-Time Hires

Man: Excuse me, hi. Hey, listen, I'm sorry about before. I hadn't eaten anything, and, uh, I got a weird call from my wife.
Amy: Okay, let me stop you right there. I was wrong for yelling at you earlier. That girl, she messed up, and the only way she's gonna learn how to do her job right is if customers yell at her.
Man: Okay.
Amy: So if you wanted to, like, go over there and really give it to her, that would be fine. I mean, like, don't hold back. Obviously, don't hit her, but if you wanted to shake her a little, that would be cool.
Man: I'm not gonna shake a little girl. [man backs away]
Amy: No, no, I'm her mom. I'm not gonna report it.


 ‘Part-Time Hires’ Quotes

Quote from Carol

Carol: Wanna hear a secret?
Kelly: Sure.
Carol: I have a plan to get Jerry back.
Kelly: I'm sorry. I don't know who...
Carol: Sandra's boyfriend. Well, my boyfriend that she stole from me. He's in a coma, but I'm going to sneak into his hospital room when she's not there. I climb up on the bed, and oopsy! I forgot my underwear. Next thing you know, I'm pregnant with Jerry's baby. Now, stay with me, because this is where it starts to get a little dark.
Kelly: That's okay.
Carol: You don't want to hear the rest?
Kelly: No, I'm cool.

Quote from Dina

Dina: You don't have any of my photos, because I don't pose for them. [laughs] You know, if I ever got kidnapped, the police would have quite a time finding a current photo to put on the news.

Quote from Jonah

Amy: She just has such an attitude since the divorce. That's why I'm making her work here. I'm hoping she gets some discipline.
Jonah: And you're not worried that if you're too hard on her, Adam gets to be the good guy?
Amy: What? No.
Jonah: It's just that when my parents separated, they both wanted to be the favorite. I came home one day and my dad had gotten me a ten-disc box set of Churchill speeches.
Amy: And that was something you wanted?
Jonah: Uh, yeah. I'm still closer with him than I am with my mom. Although that might be because he doesn't send me long, pointless texts about book club.