Kelly Quote #53

Quote from Kelly in Back to School

Kelly: Does anybody know what a "DCPI" is? Or "Quadrant 12"? Where is Quadrant 12? Oh, Dan! Dan, are you going to Quadrant 12? Dan!


 ‘Back to School’ Quotes

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Hey, uh, Glenn, should we all really be leaving the floor during back to school? I mean, come on, that's like... that's like playing the Super Bowl with only... uh... with fewer players than a football team would normally have.

Quote from Cheyenne

Sandra: If you do decide to have sex again, just check for cameras.
Jonah: We're not...
Cheyenne: Or have sex on a green sheet. That way, you can superimpose yourself doing it on a magic carpet or in outer space. Bo did that for our anniversary.
Dina: The bed of my truck is always available. I'm happy to drive around the whole time. Less likely somebody will film you.
Jonah: These are all excellent ideas, thank you.

Quote from Dina

Amy: I don't know for starters, the fact that I'm extremely pregnant with my ex-husband's child is not a great time to start a new relationship.
Dina: I'm not letting my pregnancy slow me down. I'm banging my way through my whole indoor-soccer team and the refs.