Jonah Quote #91

Quote from Jonah in Deep Cleaning

Jonah: Look, Mateo just kind of wants to get off on the right foot with you guys, you know what I mean? Between us, he's not even supposed to be working curbside. He just saw this as an opportunity to, you know, win your approval, you know, for his future with Eric.
Ron: Our approval?
Connie: Like, our blessing?
Jonah: Yeah, I mean, you know, whatever you want to call it, so...
Connie: Our baby's getting married!
Jonah: Oh! Oh, no! No, no, no. That's not what I...
Ron: It's okay. We won't tell Mateo you told us. Connie's really good at acting surprised.
Connie: Oh, yeah.
Jonah: Cool. Just to be clear, though...


 ‘Deep Cleaning’ Quotes

Quote from Carol

Hannah: So that's all I need from you. I'll give you a call if there's any updates.
Carol: Great. And did you get my text about which employees here I think are circumcised?
Hannah: I did. Yes. Uh, I'm sorry. How do you think that helps?
Carol: You're the lawyer.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Okay, I think we can make this work. You know, we'll just pick the fur out, and, you know... and then sort of smush it back together, and then let the good times roll.
Garrett: Come on, Glenn. It's fine. We'll just tell people the party's off.
Glenn: No! People deserve a good time. Come on. We can fix this. Garrett, why aren't you picking and smushing?
Garrett: 'Cause I'm not gonna do that, dude! Just get over it. There's nothing you can do to make people happy. That's just the way it is. The pandemic happened, and everybody had a [bleep] year.
Glenn: You don't think I know that? Look, I gotta try to give them something! I mean, people have been working nonstop for so long, risking their health, you know, and then we didn't even get Christmas. You know, we had to stay at home eating baloney sandwiches and watching church on Facebook Live! I- I- People have missed out on so much. And I just wanna give them, like, one little ray of sunshine, but I guess not! Not in this... piece of crap year! [eats]
Garrett: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Glenn: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm eating raccoon fur. And I don't care!

Quote from Cheyenne

Marcus: So what? Now we have to do a deep clean, like, every year?
Garrett: Yeah, one deep clean a year during a pandemic does sound a little excessive.
Cheyenne: Wow. How has it been a year already? But also, how has it only been a year?