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Part-Time Hires

‘Part-Time Hires’

Season 3, Episode 3 - Aired October 12, 2017

Amy's daughter, Emma, starts a part-time job at the store. Mateo flirts with a construction worker who asks to use his employee badge. Meanwhile, Garrett and Dina bicker over who dumped the other, and Kelly struggles with her first day on the job.

Quote from Amy

Man: Excuse me, hi. Hey, listen, I'm sorry about before. I hadn't eaten anything, and, uh, I got a weird call from my wife.
Amy: Okay, let me stop you right there. I was wrong for yelling at you earlier. That girl, she messed up, and the only way she's gonna learn how to do her job right is if customers yell at her.
Man: Okay.
Amy: So if you wanted to, like, go over there and really give it to her, that would be fine. I mean, like, don't hold back. Obviously, don't hit her, but if you wanted to shake her a little, that would be cool.
Man: I'm not gonna shake a little girl. [man backs away]
Amy: No, no, I'm her mom. I'm not gonna report it.


Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Jonah! What... What is wrong with you? She's a child!
Jonah: Right, but she...
Glenn: You know, I am appalled! You stay away from her.
Jonah: Okay, okay, Glenn-
Glenn: Oh, oh, oh, you can dish it out, but you can't take it! Huh? Huh?
Jonah: You don't understand.
Glenn: Well, I'm the one who's yelling now! Okay? How you like that, mister?
Jonah: I don't... I don't...
Glenn: Not so hot, huh? Huh?

Quote from Garrett

Jonah: All right. I, uh... I messed up before. I'm sorry. I-I was listening, but I wasn't really hearing. So here's what we're gonna do. Tonight, gonna pop open a couple brewskis, we're gonna get ourselves a nice pie... pizza pie, not pecan or whatever... and we are gonna watch ourselves a little movie called Bad Boys 2 and get you through this breakup thing roomie-style.
Garrett: Hmm. All right. That's enough. [over PA] Attention, Cloud 9 employees! I am fine. Dina did not break up with me, and actually, if you want to get real about it, it was my idea. I was trying to be a nice guy.
Jonah: [quietly] If you could just...
Garrett: I got this. [over PA] So if you want to feel bad for somebody, feel bad for Dina, 'cause she's the one seeing the shrink.
Jonah: Whoa.
Garrett: That... was something I shouldn't have said. Sorry about that. Please pretend you didn't hear that. Have a good day.
Jonah: I'm gonna just put these back.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Ever since the split with Adam, I just feel like everything I do is screwing her up, or maybe I've already screwed her up and it's too late, but she talks back to me, she sometimes wears a lot of eyeliner and I don't know what that means. I just feel like I'm losing control.
Glenn: Amy, can I ask you something but without you taking it the wrong way?
Amy: Sure.
Glenn: Are you stupid?
Amy: Um...
Glenn: She's a teenager.
Amy: Yeah, no, I know. I know she's a teenager. But it's just... it's more than that. She's secretive. She's distant. She doesn't listen to anything I say anymore... Oh my, God, I am stupid. She's a teenager. [sighs] Thank you.
Glenn: Anytime.
Amy: I can go back to yelling at her.
Glenn: Mm-hmm. Fun.

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